RSSNews for Northern Ireland

News for Northern Ireland – 12 November 2017

| November 10, 2017

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Northern Ireland – 5 November 2017

| November 3, 2017

On Monday Lough Erne Amateur Radio Club is having an open meeting with a talk by Nathan Prentice Raspberry Pi Applications in Amateur Radio. Contact David Calderwood, G4VHO, via email to On Monday and Tuesday West Tyrone Amateur Radio Club is operating a special event station from 9am to 6pm at C-More Flying School’s […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 29 October 2017

| October 27, 2017

On Thursday Bangor and District Amateur Radio Society is having a surplus equipment sale. Entry will be from 7pm and admission is £2. Refreshments are available. All are welcome. Contact Harry, GI4JTF, on 0289 042 2762. Now we have advance notice from Mid-Ulster ARC for the 7 November, when they will be holding a registration […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 22 October 2017

| October 20, 2017

The GB2RS news team for Region 8 are appealing for new readers. You need to be a Full licensee and current RSGB Member. If you are interested or want to know more, please contact the Region 8 Regional Manager, Philip Hosey, MI0MSO by email to

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News for Northern Ireland – 15 October 2017

| October 13, 2017

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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News for Northern Ireland – 8 October 2017

| October 6, 2017

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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