RSSNews for Northern Ireland

News for Northern Ireland – 29 November 2020

| November 27, 2020

The Mid Ulster Amateur Radio Club Tuesday Night Lectures take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Everyone is welcome to join in. For further information and the Zoom link, email Dave, 2I0SJV via

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News for Northern Ireland – 22 November 2020

| November 20, 2020

Events listed here may be affected by current COVID-19 pandemic regulations, please observe all restrictions that are in place The Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club Tuesday Night Lectures take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Everyone is welcome to join in. For further information and the Zoom link, email Dave, 2I0SJV via […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 15 November 2020

| November 13, 2020

Events listed here may be affected by current COVID-19 pandemic regulations, please observe all restrictions that are in place The Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club Tuesday Night Lectures take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Everyone is welcome to join in. For further information and the Zoom link, email Dave, 2I0SJV via […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 8 November 2020

| November 6, 2020

Events listed here may be affected by current COVID-19 pandemic regulations, please observe all restrictions that are in place The Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club Tuesday Night Lectures take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Everyone is welcome to join in. For further information and the Zoom link, email Dave, 2I0SJV via […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 1 November 2020

| October 30, 2020

Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place. The Mid-Ulster Amateur Radio Club Tuesday Night Lectures take place on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month. Everyone is welcome to join in. For further information and the Zoom link, […]

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News for Northern Ireland – 25 October 2020

| October 23, 2020

No news items have been received for Northern Ireland this week.

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