RSSNews for England North West

News for England North – 18 October 2020

| October 16, 2020

Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place. Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society has nets around 3.715MHz at 9.30am and 9.30pm on Sundays, with a net on the GB3IM network after the GB2RS News. The club meets on Wednesday […]

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News for England North – 11 October 2020

| October 9, 2020

Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place. We start with a note from RSGB Regional Representative Kath Wilson, M1CNY of three volunteer vacancies. Deputy regional representatives are needed for Region 31 Cumbria; Region 32 Lancashire, and Region 33 Greater […]

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News for England North – 4 October 2020

| October 2, 2020

Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions that are in place. Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 11am on 1.940MHz. Most days see a CQ-and-brew from about 2.30pm on 70.450MHz. On Tuesday, there’s net from 7.30pm around […]

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News for England North – 27 September 2020

| September 25, 2020

Events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Please continue to observe all national or local restrictions including social distancing, wearing face coverings where required, and limiting the number of people who meet. Central Lancs Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays from 11am on 1.940MHz. Most days see a CQ-and-brew […]

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News for England North – 20 September 2020

| September 18, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required. Stockport Radio Society has a daily CW net at 4pm around 3.564MHz. Tuesday sees a virtual […]

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News for England North – 13 September 2020

| September 11, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings […]

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