RSSNews for England East Midlands

News for England Midlands – 3 May 2020

| May 1, 2020

Lincoln Short Wave club is running daily Fusion nets starting at 2pm. A call is made on GB3LM Fusion, then QSYing to a clear digital frequency. Tuesday sees the club net at 9.30am on GB3LM. On Wednesday there’s an e-club meeting via Zoom, then on Thursday, after the clap for carers and key workers, there’s […]

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News for England Midlands – 26 April 2020

| April 24, 2020

Lincoln Short Wave club is running daily Fusion nets starting at 2pm. A call is made on GB3LM Fusion, then QSYing to a clear digital frequency. Tuesday sees the club net at 9.30am on GB3LM. On Wednesday there’s an e-club meeting via Zoom, then on Thursday, after the clap for carers and key workers, there’s […]

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News for England Midlands – 19 April 2020

| April 17, 2020

Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club has nets around 145.425MHz from 7.30pm on Sundays, Tuesday and Friday. More information from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. Northampton Radio club has daily nets on 145.3625MHz from 10.30am and weekday nets on 145.3625MHz from 6pm. For details, email Rugby ATS has a daily net on 144.275MHz […]

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News for England Midlands – 12 April 2020

| April 9, 2020

Burton Amateur Radio Club has open nets this Sunday, on Thursday and next Sunday from 8pm on 145.575MHz. Wednesday sees a net from 7.30pm on 145.575MHz FM. Details from Rob, G6EIH, on 0781 214 6333. Cheltenham Amateur Radio Association will be holding an on-the-air session in place of the meeting that was to have been […]

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News for England Midlands – 5 April 2020

| April 3, 2020

Northampton Radio club has daily nets on 145.3625MHz from 10.30am and weekday nets on 145.3625MHz from 6pm. Richard, G6TVB, Loughborough and District Amateur Radio Club meets up on air around 145.425MHz from 7.30pm on Sundays and Tuesdays. More information from Chris, G1ETZ, on 01509 504 319. South Normanton Alfreton and District Amateur Radio Club […]

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News for England Midlands – 29 March 2020

| March 27, 2020

As the Government advice is to refrain from social gatherings, we have only included the details of regular nets as well as those newly created in place of club meetings Rugby ATS is running a daily net on 144.275MHz SSB from 8.30am. Contact Steve, G8LYB, on 01788 578 940. Northampton Radio club is running daily […]

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