RSSNews for England South and South East

England South-East News – 19 January 2014

| January 17, 2014

We start with advance news that a new group is being set up in East Sussex for people interested in amateur radio and electronics. The inaugural meeting and first AGM of the Eastbourne Radio and Electronics Club will be on Monday 10th February at St Luke’s Church and Parish Centre, Stone Cross, Pevensey. Contact Peter, […]

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England South East 12 January 2014

| January 10, 2014

Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society runs two Morse classes for beginners and more advanced practitioners on most Thursday evenings from 7pm. These take place at The Bell Function Room, Danbury, CM3 4DT. Details from Andrew Kersey, G0IBN, on 01621 868 347. The group also runs courses for all levels of licence exams. On Monday Coulsdon Amateur […]

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England South East 22 December 2013

| December 20, 2013

This week’s broadcast contains news of events until Sunday 12 January, because of the Christmas break. Worthing & District Amateur Radio Club holds its 80m Santa Claus on Christmas Eve, and the Christmas Day net is on 2m. There’s no meeting on New Year’s Day, but the monthly breakfast meeting takes place at the Goring […]

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England South East 15 December 2013

| December 13, 2013

On Monday Braintree and District Amateur Radio Society is having its Christmas social evening. For more information contact John, M5AJB, on 01787 460 947. On Monday Burnham Beeches Radio Club is having a video evening. Contact Dave, G4XDU, on 01628 625 720. On Monday Surrey Radio Contact Club is holding its Christmas social evening. Details […]

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England South East 8 December 2013

| December 6, 2013

On Sunday Thanet Radio and Electronics Club is holding on-air activities on data. Contact Denis, M0ZDE, by email to On Monday Coulsdon Amateur Transmitting Society is holding its AGM. Details from Steve Beal G3WZK, on 01883 620 730. On Monday Felixstowe and District Amateur Radio Society is having a Christmas noggin, video and mince […]

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England South East 1 December 2013

| November 29, 2013

Worthing and District Amateur Radio Club has its monthly breakfast meeting at the Goring Café today. Wednesday sees the annual Christmas Quiz by G8MSQ. Contact John, G8FMJ,, on 01273 593 232. Southdown Amateur Radio Society is holding its Christmas Social at Chasely on Monday. On Wednesday there are operations at the Hailsham shack, including putting […]

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