RSSNews for Scotland West and Western Isles

News for Scotland – 29 September 2019

| September 27, 2019

A reminder that Group, funded by the RSGB Legacy Committee, has set up a fully equipped electronic construction space in Hamilton. It is open to all from 1pm to 4pm on Wednesdays. All individuals or groups are warmly invited to join them to build electronic projects. Together, you can experience and learn in a […]

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News for Scotland – 22 September 2019

| September 20, 2019

Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society is at the Royal Deeside Railway this Sunday. Thursday sees a construction and on-the-air evening. Contact Fred Gordon, GM3ALZ, on 01975 651 365. Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting and social evening on Monday. Friday and Saturday sees trips to the National Hamfest. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 […]

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News for Scotland – 15 September 2019

| September 13, 2019 Group, funded by the RSGB Legacy Committee, has set up a fully equipped electronic construction space in Hamilton. It is open to all from 1pm to 4pm on Wednesdays. You or someone you know, nearby community and other interest groups, are warmly invited to join them to build electronic projects. Together, you can experience […]

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News for Scotland – 8 September 2019

| September 6, 2019

From this Sunday to next Sunday, Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club has activity days. More information from Bob, GM4UYZ, on 01875 811 723. This Sunday, Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has its SSB Field Day at Dunecht. Thursday sees judging for the construction competition. Contact Fred, GM3ALZ, on 01975 651 365. Edinburgh and District […]

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News for Scotland – 1 September 2019

| August 30, 2019

September Edinburgh & District Amateur Radio Club has its net on Monday. Next Saturday and Sunday sees portable operations for the 144MHz Trophy Contest. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192. Aberdeen Amateur Radio Society has its junk sale on Thursday. Next Saturday and Sunday it’s SSB Field Day at Dunecht. Contact Fred, GM3ALZ, on […]

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News for Scotland – 25 August 2019

| August 23, 2019

With deep sadness, Mid-Lanark Amateur Radio Society announces the passing of long-standing member and Exams Secretary Denis Barret, MMODNX, who became a Silent Key earlier this week. On Monday Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has its net. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192. On Tuesday Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has an […]

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