RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

National Radio Centre – Urgent Repairs

| February 7, 2014

Regrettably, the remedial drainage work at The National Radio Centre is taking longer than anticipated and the Centre will remain closed this weekend.  It will re-open for visitors next Thursday 13th February 2013.

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RSGB Facebook Group

| January 3, 2014

Some Members may be aware of a number of abusive comments about RSGB volunteers, staff and the Society that have been posted recently on the Facebook Group that carries the name of the RSGB.  Whilst this is not an official RSGB group, it has been administered by RSGB Members and such behaviour will not be tolerated.  Action has […]

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Licence Progression

| December 10, 2013

During the wide ranging debate about the forthcoming Amateur Radio Licence review by Ofcom, several amateurs have been in touch with the Society to express concern that they will either be required to progress to become Full Licencees or to surrender their Foundation or Intermediate Licence and give up the hobby.  In response Ofcom have […]

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Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society on the BBC

| November 13, 2013

The BBC website today carries a report and video of Chorley and District Amateur Radio Society’s Castles and Stately Homes On The Air (CASHOTA)” event at Astley Hall, a Grade I listed house in Lancashire.

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Livingston and District ARS

| November 11, 2013

The Livingston and District Amateur Radio Society are hosting an event to celebrate the centenary of the Radio Society of Great Britain (RSGB) on Thursday 21and Friday 22 November 2013.  We will be on the air from 8am until 10pm each day, with a view to contacting and logging as many amateur radio stations worldwide […]

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Preparation for Ofcom licence Review

| October 3, 2013

Paul Jarvis, Ofcom, addressed the National Hamfest on 27th September with their thinking for the Licence Review. He covered the reasons why the review was being undertaken and emphasised that it was not intended to be a radical change, but that the Licence Review was geared to be more explicit with regard to the wording of […]

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