RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

Important update: 5 MHz Band

| April 8, 2014

Users of the 5 MHz frequencies will know that this portion of spectrum is allocated (by NoV only) for amateur use on a secondary basis, available on the basis of non-interference to other services inside the UK.  Ofcom have indicated that, during the coming days, there may be temporary increased usage of the band by the […]

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Ofcom update: Public Sector Spectrum Release

| April 7, 2014

Ofcom has today published a statement on the amateur use of spectrum in the 2.3 GHz and 3.4 GHz bands. Following a consultation last year, Ofcom has decided to remove from the Amateur Radio Licence all frequencies in these bands which overlap with those planned for award for new civil uses (2350 to 2390 and 3410 to […]

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AGM – voting

| March 12, 2014

The resolutions to be considered at this year’s AGM have now been published and voting is open. The ballot is being conducted by the Electoral Reform Society and all RSGB Members are encouraged to participate by casting their vote before 10th April. Details on how to vote are available here and have been published in the April 2014 edition […]

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AGM 2014

| February 21, 2014

This year’s AGM will be held on Saturday 12 April 2014 at the Renaissance Hotel, Blackfriars Street, Manchester M3 2EQ starting at 12.00 noon. The venue is within easy reach of Manchester mainline train stations, and there is also nearby car parking. After the formal business of the morning, Elaine Richards, G4LFM will give another […]

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Centenary Challenge Certificates

| February 13, 2014

The Centenary Challenge finished at the end of 2013. Downloadable certificates are now available, free of charge, for all Amateurs who worked 16 Regions/Bands or more as recorded on the online leaderboard. Go to to claim your certificate.

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Centenary Award and Centenary Challenge Winners

| February 12, 2014

The Centenary Award and Centenary Challenge were created to stimulate operating throughout the Centenary year and introduce amateurs to some of the RSGB operating awards. Particular congratulations go to the winners of the special Commemorative Plaques that will awarded, at the AGM, to those who achieved the highest overall scores in the Centenary Award submitted […]

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