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News for England South-East – 25 December 2022

| December 23, 2022

On Wednesday Bishop’s Stortford Amateur Radio Society has its net from 8pm on 145.5625MHz. Bracknell Amateur Radio Club has a net via GB3BN from 5pm today. On Wednesday there is a net on 145.375MHz from 8pm. On Thursday there is a net from 12pm on 70.475MHz. Colin, 2E0XDA, 0770 651 2505. On Tuesday Braintree and District […]

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News for England South-West – 25 December 2022

| December 23, 2022

On Sundays, Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 1.860MHz from 9.30am, followed by an SSB net on 144.260MHz at 10.30am. The club has weekday nets taking place from 4pm on 145.450MHz, except Wednesday when the net moves to 144.260MHz between 8 and 9pm. On Monday there is a net via GB3DN […]

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News for Wales – 25 December 2022

| December 23, 2022

On Thursday at 8pm, Aberystwyth and District Amateur Radio Society will be having a night on the air, starting on 145.500MHz and changing frequency from there. Barry Amateur Radio Society will have a club net at 8pm on 144.550MHz on Wednesday. Friday sees a Zoom meeting hosted by Glyn, GW0ANA. Steve, 2W0VOG, 07900 560 […]

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RadCom Plus, Vol. 7, No. 1

| December 22, 2022
RadCom Plus, Vol. 7, No. 1

To read this edition, tap or click the cover image Contents 1 On the response of an active dipole antenna Gwyn Griffiths, G3ZIL and Glenn Elmore, N6GN 8 Icom IC-705 aerial switch and automatic antenna tuning unit Bob Harris, G4APV 14 Operating on the 30THz band – Part 2 Barry Chambers, G8AGN 25 A portable […]

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RESOLVED – RSGB email system issue

| December 19, 2022
RESOLVED – RSGB email system issue

UPDATE – 19/12/2022 09:40 The majority of RSGB email accounts affected by last week’s mail routing issue should now be working as expected. To mitigate the issue, all accounts confirmed as active have now been migrated to Office 365. Please read the advice below before you access your email again – If you already use […]

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GB2RS News Script for 18 December 2022

| December 16, 2022

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 18 December 2022 (20-page/470KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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