RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

New Regional Managers

| May 31, 2016

The RSGB Board have agreed to co-opt Regional Managers for Region 2 and Region 12. Both posts will become due for election at the next AGM. Denny Morrison GM1BAN has been appointed for Region 2. Keith Haynes G3WRO has been appointed for Region 12.

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Chair of the Planning Advisory Committee

| May 31, 2016

The RSGB Board is pleased to confirm the appointment of John Mattocks G4TEQ as Chair of the Planning Advisory Committee. John was previously the PAC Vice Chairman and is a retired Planning Inspector. The Society would like to record its appreciation to Stephen Purser G4SHF for his many years of service as PAC Chairman.

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Ashfield Primary School, Otley

| April 29, 2016

The next ARISS schools contact between Ashfield Primary School in Otley, West Yorkshire and Tim Peake on the International Space Station has now been confirmed for Thursday, 5 May at 0908BST (0808UTC). Listen for Tim calling “GB1APS this is GB1SS” on 145.800MHz narrowband FM.  

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