RSGB General Manager

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New Ofcom licensing portal update

| August 5, 2016

Ofcom System Maintenance Updates The online licensing system is used for Business Radio and Maritime licences in addition to amateur radio. Occasional updates for these functions and other issues may require the system to be offline (typically at weekends)  for maintenance/updates.   Update (GB2RS): 3 -Feb-2017 Ofcom updated its licensing system for radio amateurs on 30 […]

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Training and examination information

| July 27, 2016

Three documents relating to training and examinations have been published on the RSGB website. An examinations announcement relating to the recent IARU Bandplan changes is available from The latest edition of the Tutors’ Newsletter is available from

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Ofcom licensing systems upgrade

| July 13, 2016

We explained last month that Ofcom is upgrading the online licensing systems that support amateur radio. As part of these changes their online and in-house licensing services are offline from 5pm today and will undergo essential upgrade work until Wed 20 July. They apologise for any inconvenience.  

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New RSGB Microwave Manager

| June 29, 2016

The RSGB’s Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Barry Lewis G4SJH to the position of Microwave Manager. Barry brings considerable experience to the role from homebrew and contesting, to regulatory affairs. He succeeds the former Microwave Manager Murray Niman G6JYB, who had been covering the role since his appointment as Chair of the […]

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New Regional Manager

| June 27, 2016

The RSGB Board have agreed to co-opt a new Regional Manager for South Wales. The post will become due for election at the next AGM. Glyn Jones, GW0ANA has been appointed as Regional Manager for Region 7.  

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Legacy Sub-committee vacancy

| June 8, 2016

The RSGB Legacy Fund exists due to the generosity of donors and the Legacy Sub-Committee works with the Board to consider and recommend proposals for its use. The Fund currently stands at about £170,000 and it provides an excellent opportunity to support innovation and development. Its scope for proposals is deliberately wide with the highest […]

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