RSGB General Manager

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Questions from RSGB for Ofcom regarding S54 Regulations

| December 11, 2016

Follow the link below to read this paper. Questions from RSGB for Ofcom regarding S54 Regulations (9 pages/258KB PDF)  

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Historic transatlantic contact

| December 9, 2016
Historic transatlantic contact

On 11 December 2016 a special amateur radio event commemorated the 95th anniversary of the first transatlantic shortwave reception between Greenwich, Connecticut, and Ardrossan, Scotland. On that day in 1921, a radio signal transmitted from a Radio Club of America (RCA) test station—located in a small shack on the property of Minton Cronkhite, 1BCG in […]

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VHF Contest Committee announcement

| November 25, 2016

VHF Contest Committee announcement After careful analysis, the VHF Contest Committee (VHFCC) has made a number of decisions on rule changes for VHF contests in 2017. The full details of each of these, including a trial change to the scoring system and the statistics from the VHFCC 2016 survey that underpinned the rule decisions can […]

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Changes on 60m in Portugal

| November 11, 2016

Jose, CT1EEB reports from Portugal on changes to the 60m allocation in that country. These include some of the existing channels, plus the new WRC15 allocation. The new 60m band licence allows 5371.5kHz and 5403.5kHz A1A and J3E and 5351.5kHz to 5366.5kHz using A1A and J3E.

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Youngsters on the Air 2017

| November 11, 2016

As many will know the RSGB is seeking support for the International Youth event – YOTA 2017 that is being held at Gilwell Park in August 2017. We are pleased to say that delegates to the RSGB Convention in October were very generous in donating hundreds of pounds to the appeal. We would like to […]

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Summit to Summit event

| November 11, 2016

Following the success of the Australia-Europe Summit-to-Summit event in October, one between Europe and North America is now to take place from 1400 to 1700UTC on Saturday the 19th of November. So far, 27 stations in Europe, North America and even Africa have indicated their intention to participate. The aim of the event is to […]

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