RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

New Amateur Radio Observation Service (AROS) and Intruder Watch Coordinator

| February 22, 2018

RSGB is pleased to announce the appointment of Richard Lamont, G4DYA to the joint role of AROS Coordinator and Intruder Watch Coordinator. Richard has been a broadcast engineer with the BBC, an editor of radio magazines and a company director. He also knows his way around the ITU Regulations. We welcome him to his new […]

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New Chair of the Emerging Technology Coordination Committee (ETCC)

| February 22, 2018

We’re delighted to announce that Andrew Barrett, G8DOR has been appointed as the new Chair of the ETCC for an initial period of three years. Andrew is the current Vice-Chair. We would like to thank John McCullagh, GI4BWM for the enormous level of work that he has put into the role of ETCC Chair over […]

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National Club of the Year 2017 and the RSGB Strategy

| February 19, 2018
National Club of the Year 2017 and the RSGB Strategy

This year the RSGB has decided to change the theme of the National Club of the Year competition to fit more closely with its strategic goals. The theme of “Mentoring and Retention” sits right at the heart of the Society’s main goal of having “an active and thriving amateur radio community” and sends a two-fold […]

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Band Plan Changes from 1 Jan 2018

| January 15, 2018

The RSGB has just announced an updating of the Band Plans from 1 Jan 2018. Tutors and students should note that the Band Plans used for examination purposes will NOT be changing. Examination questions will continue to be based on the band plans shown within the Exam Reference Data booklets EX 307, EX308 or EX […]

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An active and thriving amateur radio community is what we need!

| January 12, 2018
An active and thriving amateur radio community is what we need!

Part of our strategic goal for 2022 is to have an active and thriving amateur radio community. I’m going to explain this a little more and pose some questions for you, the Members. The Strategy’s narrative says this about the 2022 goal: “The inescapable truth is that the amateur radio community is ageing and we […]

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Morse Competency Scheme

| January 8, 2018

Phil Cragg, G3UGK had indicated that he is standing down as Morse Competency Project Lead. The Society wishes to thank him for his work on behalf of the Training and Education Committee (TEC). The RSGB is now seeking a successor to take forward the Morse Competency Scheme including proposed changes to make the scheme more […]

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