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GB2RS News Script for 18 August 2019

| August 16, 2019

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 18 August 2019 (10-page/161KB Microsoft Word document)

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Deadline for exam applications for the current syllabus

| August 14, 2019

We would like to remind everyone that the cut-off date for applications for the current syllabus is this Friday, 16 August. Once booked, candidates will have three months after the date of their exam to do resits under the current syllabus if necessary. Due to the standard process of giving two weeks’ notice for examinations, […]

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David Sumner, K1ZZ, publishes article in ITU News

| August 2, 2019

David Sumner, K1ZZ (Secretary, International Amateur Radio Union) is the keynote speaker at this year’s RSGB Annual Convention. In the run-up to the discussions at WRC-19 he has published an article on P33 of the latest International Telecommunication Union (ITU) News magazine, promoting the importance and relevance of amateur radio. We have published a short explanation […]

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144 MHz and the WRC process

| July 1, 2019

RSGB has been a key part of a joint International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) effort and are working hard on both national and international levels to ensure a positive outcome for World Radio Conference-19 (WRC-19) items (50 MHz, Wireless Power, microwave bands etc) and WRC-23 Agenda proposals (144-146 MHz and 23cms). With regard to 144-146 […]

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GB2RS News Script for 16 June 2019

| June 14, 2019

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 16 June 2019 (12-page/206KB Microsoft Word document)

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GB2RS News Script for 9 June 2019

| June 7, 2019

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 9 June 2019 (12-page/185KB Microsoft Word document)

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