RSGB General Manager

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RSGB General Manager's Latest Posts

News for England South-West – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

With clubs beginning to meet face to face and enjoy other activities, please make sure you keep GB2RS up to date. We can now accept repeat information such as nets and meetings but you must let us know at least every three months that nothing has changed. On Monday Weston Super Mare Radio Society Club […]

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News for Wales – 5 September 2021

| September 3, 2021

With clubs beginning to meet face to face and enjoy other activities, please make sure you keep GB2RS up to date. We can now accept repeat information such as nets and meetings but you must let us know at least every three months that nothing has changed. Carmarthen ARS resumes face to face meetings at […]

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Keep Haiti emercoms frequencies clear

| August 16, 2021

Following the major earthquake in Haiti on Saturday 14 August, the IARU Region 2 emergency co-ordinator CO2JC has asked amateurs to protect the following emergency frequencies: 3750kHz, 7150kHz and 14330kHz so that emergency traffic can be passed. Whilst the message is aimed mainly at amateurs in Region 2 (the Americas), the RSGB endorses the message […]

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The Last Word – EMF

| May 19, 2021

These are a selection of the letters received on the topic of EMF that were used as a basis for the Q & A article in the June 2021 RadCom. EMF Richard Benton, G4WKW Most radio amateurs will have received their email from Ofcom, as I did on 3rd March. At the time of writing, I […]

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May 2021 Scout Communicator badge lesson plan

| April 26, 2021

Work with Scouts on the Communicator badge was suggested by a Foundation licensee, Rani, M7KAU, who by chance told Troop Leader Phil Reed about her new hobby. WVARS member Andy, G0SFJ, created a lesson plan based on the Communicator badge syllabus. Download files (429KB .pdf)

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2020 – a year in numbers

| March 7, 2021
2020 – a year in numbers

2020 brought devastation across the world as we all faced the effects of the pandemic. The RSGB rose to the challenge of supporting radio amateurs in the UK and providing new ways for people to get started in, or come back to, amateur radio. The April 2021 RadCom will show in detail the work of […]

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