Communications Manager
RSGB Communications Manager
Communications Manager's Latest Posts
March T@8 – VHF National Field Day fun and challenges
Have you wondered what happens at a VHF National Field Day? Would you like to take part in one? In this month’s Tonight @ 8 webinar, the RSGB offers two different perspectives. Firstly, RSGB VHF Contest Committee (VHFCC) member Richard, G4HGI will talk about how the RSGB VHFCC uses the VHF Survey and other tools […]
RadCom delivery to Guernsey and the Isle of Man
Following complaints from some RSGB members, we have investigated a problem with non-delivery of RadCom on Guernsey and the Isle of Man. It seems that following changes at the Royal Mail, the labelling requirement for these copies was incorrectly applied by our printers and these copies didn’t go through the postal system correctly. We are […]
Ofcom consultation decisions announced
Ofcom has released its final decisions following its consultation on the amateur radio licensing framework last year. Revised licence conditions became effective on Wednesday 21 of February 2024. The changes to licence conditions include the optional use of Regional Secondary Locators, increased transmitter power levels and provide greater opportunity to bring newcomers into amateur radio. There […]
EMF assessments reminder
Given that increased transmitter power limits are now available to UK licensees, all amateurs are reminded that they are required to carry out EMF assessments. To help you do this, advice and an online EMF calculator can be found on the RSGB website at