Communications Manager

RSGB Communications Manager

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RadCom paper wrapper trial

| February 23, 2024

The RSGB has been trialling paper wrappers for RadCom as part of its plans to be more environmentally friendly. The Society has been collating feedback and is aware that there have been particular problems with the gluing of the RadCom wrappers this month. Please be assured that the RSGB is discussing this with its supplier […]

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Amateur radio exams – timing explanation

| February 23, 2024

On 6 February we gave an update on the amateur radio exams and their need to change to reflect the changes to the Ofcom licence conditions. Since that announcement, some members of the tutor community have raised questions about the RSGB’s decision to move the start of exams to the new licence conditions to 1 […]

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2023 – a year in numbers

| February 22, 2024
2023 – a year in numbers

During a year when the global landscape shifted once more, with conflicts across the world and economic difficulties touching the lives of individuals, we were pleased to see that the amateur radio community continues to thrive. It may have changed shape and adapted with the times, but the RSGB has been there not only to […]

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March 2024 – Strategic priorities update

| February 22, 2024
March 2024 – Strategic priorities update

RSGB strategic priorities – a personal view I have recently started a series of talks to radio clubs about the Society and the services it offers.  It’s a bit of a double act – Board Director Ben Lloyd, GW4BML talks about SOTA and I talk about the RSGB. We have given these talks at Powys […]

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Ofcom releases consultation decisions

| February 21, 2024

Ofcom has released its final decisions following its consultation on the amateur radio licensing framework last year. You can read more on the Ofcom website: We will continue to release information and support for radio amateurs as we all adapt to these licence changes.

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ESRG January 2024 key messages

| February 19, 2024

The Exams and Syllabus Review Group (ESRG) met four times during January. It has released these key messages from those meetings: Syllabus v1.5 has been re-written in Word format to allow a comparison with v1.6 Feedback from Ian White, GM3SEK was received about the EMF questions. This was discussed, most of his recommendations were agreed […]

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