Communications Manager

RSGB Communications Manager

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Ofcom amateur radio consultation statement

| December 11, 2023

Ofcom has just released a document that sets out its “decision to update the amateur radio licensing framework to ensure the policies and licences meet the needs of today and tomorrow’s radio amateurs, while streamlining the licensing process“. Alongside the statement, it has published a Summary of the Changes (PDF, 166.4 KB); this gives a […]

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WRC-23 – 23cm recommendation approved

| December 8, 2023
WRC-23 – 23cm recommendation approved

The third week of the WRC-23 World Radiocommunication Conference has seen the approval of a new footnote to the 23cm amateur band at 1240 to 1300MHz under Agenda Item 9.1-b. This draws attention to the recently released ITU-R Recommendation 2164 that provides guidance to avoid interference to radio navigation satellite services, or RNSS, such as […]

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Exams Standards Committee report published

| December 8, 2023

The ESC has published its annual report, covering the operation of the amateur radio exams during the calendar year of 2022. You can read the report on the RSGB website.  

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RSGB elections

| December 8, 2023

If you are interested in helping to see amateur radio, and the RSGB, continue to thrive over the coming years, this is the time to volunteer for a Board or Regional Team role. Board Director: we are looking to find three Board Directors – one is an Elected Director, elected by the membership, and two […]

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6 November 2023 – An entry-level talk on End Fed Half Wave antennas by Colin Summers, MM0OPX

| December 7, 2023

The presentation Aimed at newcomers to amateur radio, this presentation will be an entry-level talk which will touch on antennas generally but will focus on the End Fed Half Wave Antenna (EFHW) – transformers, construction and performance. About Colin “I first became interested in radio around 12 years old when my cousin showed me an […]

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New Nominations Committee Chair appointed

| December 7, 2023

The RSGB Board is delighted to announce that Bob Beebe, GU4YOX has been appointed as the new Nominations Committee Chair. The Board would like to thank Stephen Purser, GW4SHF for his work in this role over a number of years and it is delighted that he will continue in his other role as Company Secretary. You can […]

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