Communications Manager

RSGB Communications Manager

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British Science Week reports

| March 15, 2024

British Science Week is drawing to a close and lots of exciting activities have been going on. Radio amateurs across the country have been encouraging young people to explore and understand our hobby and there have been some wonderful ways of incorporating the theme of Time into amateur radio activities. The RSGB would like to […]

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Exam bookings at new prices

| March 15, 2024

Early in February 2024, the RSGB announced that the fees for Foundation, Intermediate and Full level examinations would increase from 1 May 2024. You can now use the online booking system to book an exam prior to 1 May 2024 at the current price, or select exam dates from 1 May 2024 at the new […]

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RadCom contesting column

| March 15, 2024

The RadCom contesting column has new editors! The RSGB Contest Committees will be overseeing the column and have planned a schedule of topics. Some will be written by members of the three contesting committees, and some by others who can share their experiences. As well as information about various aspects of contesting, the committees hope […]

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Rob Annett, MD7FHZ

| March 14, 2024
Rob Annett, MD7FHZ

Rob Annett, MD7FHZ from the Isle of Man, captains the Barrule, a Fishery Protection Vessel. He recently became a licensed radio amateur after taking a remote Foundation exam whilst aboard the boat. We shared Rob’s story with the local media in the Isle of Man and are delighted that they chose to cover it in […]

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4 March 2024 – VHF National Field Day challenges and fun

| March 12, 2024

The presentation Have you wondered what happens at a VHF National Field Day (VHF NFD)? Would you like to take part in one? In this month’s webinar, we offer two different perspectives: Firstly, RSGB VHF Contest Committee member Richard, G4HGI will talk about how the RSGB VHFCC uses the VHF Survey and other tools to formulate […]

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Changes to RSGB HF contests

| March 8, 2024

The RSGB HF Contest Committee has introduced a couple of rules to address changes in licence conditions that came into effect from 21 February. UK&CD entrants are required to use a Regional Secondary Locator (RSL) where it is necessary to clarify the entity from which they are operating. From 21 February 2024, stations operating from […]

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