Communications Manager
RSGB Communications Manager
Communications Manager's Latest Posts
Booking opens for RSGB 2024 Convention
The RSGB is delighted to announce that bookings are now open for its 2024 Annual Convention. This year, in response to requests for more flexibility, the Society has created a new booking system that allows attendees to create a Convention package that suits their preferences for attendance and hotel accommodation. In addition, the keynote speaker […]
Schools can apply for ARISS contact
Schools in Great Britain and Northern Ireland will soon be able to apply for an amateur radio contact with an astronaut on the International Space Station. If the application is successful, the contacts could take place in the latter half of 2025. The RSGB is encouraging schools to apply as it is a great opportunity […]
RSGB National Coding Week Coordinator
We are delighted to announce that Nigel Thrower, G3YSW will be the RSGB National Coding Week Coordinator this year. The RSGB took part in this national event for the first time last year and many groups had fun with the activities we supplied. You can see the activities we published last year on our website […]
Call for G5RP Trophy nominations
The G5RP Trophy is an annual award to encourage newcomers to HF DXing. The award is not limited to youngsters or the newly licensed. It is open to anyone who has recently discovered and made significant progress in HF DXing. If you are an established HF DXer and want to recommend someone to be awarded […]
Remote invigilation milestone
The RSGB remote exam invigilation team was delighted that the 8,000th Foundation candidate took and passed their exam online recently. This is a significant milestone since the Society introduced remote invigilation exams in 2020. The RSGB would like to thank the dedicated remote invigilation team and sends its good wishes to all the candidates as […]
Tonight@8 autumn programme
The RSGB’s popular Tonight@8 webinar series takes a break in August, but there are two great presentations lined up for the start of the autumn programme. On Monday the 2 September, Brian Coleman, G4NNS will give an update on the Meteor Beacon Project. The following month, on Monday 7 October, there’s a chance to hear about “Aircraft […]