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Rallies and Events News – 12 May 2024

| May 10, 2024

The RetrotechUK event is taking place today, the 12 May. The venue is Sports Connexion, Leamington Road, Ryton-on-Dunsmore, Coventry, CV8 3FL. The doors open at 10.30am with an entry fee of £10. A fee of £25 applies for early-doors entry at 9am. This is an annual event organised by the British Vintage Wireless Society. There […]

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Special Events News – 12 May 2024

| May 10, 2024

Special event station GB1SCW is active today, the 12 May, from the National Coast Watch Station at Shoreham by Sea. Operators are celebrating the work of the National Coast Watch and RNLI as part of SOS Radio Week. Listen out for the station on the 40m to 70cm bands using SSB, CW, FM, and digital […]

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DX News – 12 May 2024

| May 10, 2024

Ric, DL2VFR is active as SM2/DL2VFR from Holmon Island, EU-135, until the 14 May using CW and some SSB. He may also be QRV as SM5/DL2VFR from IOTA group EU-084  on the 15 or 16 May. QSL via Ric’s home call. QSOs will be uploaded to Logbook of the World and Club Log. Three amateurs […]

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Contest News – 12 May 2024

| May 10, 2024

Today, the 12 May, the 70MHz CW Contest runs from 0900 to 1200UTC. Using CW on the 4m band, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. UK stations also send their postcode. Tomorrow, the 13 May, the 80m Club Championship runs from 1900 to 2030UTC. Using SSB on the 80m band, the exchange […]

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Propagation News – 12 May 2024

| May 10, 2024

Disrupted solar conditions continued this week with X-class solar flares aplenty. Four X-class events on the 8 and 9 May prompted coronal mass ejections, which could join together to impact the Earth this weekend. We can expect a strong G3 event with the Kp index rising to 6 and the potential for visible aurora in […]

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News for England Midlands – 12 May 2024

| May 10, 2024

Meetings of Bolsover Amateur Radio Society take place on the first and third Tuesdays of the month starting at 8pm at the Bainbridge Hall, Bolsover, S44 6PX. The next meeting will be held on Tuesday 21 May. Vin, G4KSY, 01246 827135 Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club meets every Friday from 8pm. Members also have […]

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