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News for England South-West – 10 July 2022

| July 8, 2022

During the CQ WW VHF contest on Saturday the 16th of July, the Amateur Radio Sussex group will be operating G1E from IO90BT. The portable station will be operating on the 6m and 2m bands using SSB, CW and FM. On the same day there is 4m contest too. Look out for the VHF activity […]

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News for Wales – 10 July 2022

| July 8, 2022

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7:30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has An Evening with… online on Monday. Go to the website for the link. Barry Amateur […]

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RSGB Regional vacancies

| July 1, 2022

The RSGB has vacancies for someone to be co-opted as the Regional Representative for Region 11 until the AGM in 2023. Region 11 covers Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Somerset, South Gloucestershire and the Channel Islands. There are 13 RSGB Regional Representatives covering the whole of the UK and they must reside in the region they represent. […]

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Tribute to Zorro, JH1AJT

| July 1, 2022

3D2AJT is the special callsign that Dom, 3D2USU will be using for one month from Nadi in the Fiji Islands in memory of the late Yasuo ‘Zorro’ Miyazawa, JH1AJT. Activity will end on 27 July, which would have marked Zorro’s 73rd birthday. Zorro was also known for his DXpeditions and charitable work on behalf of […]

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Tonight@8 on Radio waves and antennas

| July 1, 2022

Tonight @8 will take place on Monday, the 4 July. This is the final lecture before the summer break. Peter Duffett-Smith, GM3XJE will be looking at Radio waves and antennas…and all that. His presentation covers a range of antenna-related information so there should be something for everyone. Tonight@8 webinars are live-streamed on the RSGB’s YouTube […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| July 1, 2022

During the recent HamRadio show in Germany, the IARU Region 1 Spectrum Regulation and Liaison Committee chair took part in a joint session with the R1 Political Relations Committee. The session highlighted the connections the SRLC maintains with Region 1 regulatory bodies and the work carried out since early 2021. This included engagement in the […]

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