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Australian amateurs try to protect 13cm

| March 31, 2013

The Wireless Institute of Australia, which has already seen losses in its UHF and microwave amateur allocations over the years, is mounting a spirited response as it tries to protect its diminutive 13cm allocation. The WIA wishes to preserve a future for leading edge weak-signal narrowband and EME operators who have now just 2300-2302MHz remaining […]

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GJ100RSGB goes on air this week

| March 31, 2013

G100RSGB, the special event callsign celebrating the RSGB Centenary remains in Region 11 this week. Today, 31 March, Plymouth Radio Club & Saltash will put an HF, VHF and UHF station on the air using SSB and possibly CW. On Monday, Riviera ARC will run the station on Torquay, look out in particular for the […]

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Also in GB2RS this week…

| March 31, 2013

RSGB Centenary AGM The RSGB’s Centenary AGM will take place at the IET, Savoy Place, London on the 20th April at noon. If you are intending to attend, it would be appreciated if you could let the RSGB know by filling in the very short form at Getting Started newsletter The next RSGB Getting […]

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Rallies and Events – 31st March 2013

| March 31, 2013

Next weekend there are a number of rallies taking place. The Cambridge Repeater Group Rally will be held at Foxton Village Hall, Hardman Road, Foxton, Cambridge, Cambs CB22 6RN on 7 April. Doors open at 10am and admission is £2. There will be trade stands and a Bring & Buy. More details can be obtained […]

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Special Events – 31st March 2013

| March 31, 2013

GB2RAF, the RAF Neatishead Radar Museum Permanent Special Event Station, will be on the air celebrating the 75th Anniversary of The Royal Air Force Amateur Radio Society on 1 April from 0900 to 1700UTC on 80m or 40m using SSB or CW. GM0OBX will be running a special event call of GB1PC during April from […]

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DX News – 31st March 2013

| March 31, 2013

N7QT will be heading back to Saint Lucia to operate stroke J6 between 5 and 16 April. Activity will be on 10 through to 80m using CW, SSB and RTTY and PSK. He will also be operating field portable from the St. Lucia beaches and mountain tops. QSL as directed on the air. Jonas, LY5A […]

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