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2013: Licence Exemption in 2.4GHz

| June 25, 2013

June-2013: Ofcom consultation regarding Licence Exempt spectrum use in the 2400 MHz band Ofcom Call for Input RSGB Joint reply    

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24 GHz Automotive Radar

| May 28, 2013

May 2013: Update of the 24GHz Automotive Short Range Radar (SRR) exemption regulations Ofcom Consultation RSGB Joint-reply    

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Harry Heap, G5HF, 27 August 2012

| May 13, 2013
Harry Heap, G5HF, 27 August 2012

Harry Heap, G5HF passed away on 27 August 2012 at a nursing home in Chelmsford, aged 95. He was the very active President of the Chelmsford Amateur Radio Society (CARS) from October 2000 until October 2010. He presented the awards and prizes, officiated at AGMs and took part in club nets and other events. He […]

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2013: WRC-15 Mobile Broadband Spectrum

| April 29, 2013

April-2013:  WRC-15 Ofcom Consultation on Agenda Item AI-1.1 on demand and candidate bands for mobile broadband: Ofcom Consultation RSGB Joint Response  

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 31 March 2013

| March 31, 2013

Download the GB2RS script for Sunday 31 March 2013. Podcast website

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 31 March 2013

| March 31, 2013

AROS Deputy Controller sought A vacancy exists for a Deputy Controller for the Amateur Radio Observation Service. AROS has an important role as it works behind the scenes, largely independent of the rest of the RSGB, to assist radio amateurs and others to investigate reports of licence infringements and poor operating, which might bring the […]

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