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The RSGB and Ofcom – what is the PLA/PLT issue all about?

| February 8, 2011

The RSGB has fundamental and grave concerns about the decision of Ofcom and the European Union to permit the continued operation of data-over-mains devices (PowerLine Adaptors, or PLA), which provide local Ethernet communication using the house mains wiring. (PLT refers to the more generic description of this technology—PowerLine Telecommunications).

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Letter to European Commission following meeting of 16 Dec 2010

| January 6, 2011

Letter to European Commission following meeting of 16 Dec 2010 (PDF, 210KB)

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Further letter to Octavian Popescu regarding meeting set for 16 December

| December 13, 2010

Further letter to Octavian Popescu regarding meeting to be held on 16 December (PDF, 278KB)

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Letter to Octavian Popescu regarding meeting set for 16 December

| December 7, 2010

Letter to Octavian Popescu regarding meeting to be held on 16 December (PDF, 187KB)

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Response from Simon Hicks of BIS

| December 7, 2010

Response from Simon Hicks of BIS to RSGB letter of 15 October (PDF, 110KB)

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Spectrum Forum Meeting – 2010

| November 30, 2010

Minutes and reports from the 2010 RSGB Spectrum Forum annual meeting are below:- Spectrum Forum Meeting Agenda, 20-Nov-2010 (2-page/37KB PDF) Minutes of the Spectrum Forum Meeting 20-Nov-2010 (8-page/134KB PDF) HF Manager’s Report to Spectrum Forum 2010 (2-page/86KB PDF) VHF Manager Report for Spectrum Meeting (2-page/13KB PDF) Microwave Manager’s Report (3-page/43KB PDF) Report on WRC-12 preparations (2-page/79KB […]

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