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19 January 2012

| January 19, 2012

Brian Reay, G8OSN, resigns from all RSGB matters to concentrate on local teaching. The Board accepted his resignation, and would like to thank him for his past service. As a result: An Acting Chair of AROS will be announced shortly, and a formal advertisement for the post will appear in the March Radcom. A new […]

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18 January 2012

| January 18, 2012

A completely new search facility for clubs and training goes live on the RSGB website, based on Google Maps.

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13/14 January 2012

| January 14, 2012

Board Meeting, proceedings available in Proceedings and Reports (Members’ Site) At the meeting policies for membership consultation and consensus forming were agreed. Pilot studies are to be run during February so their design can be tuned ready for the bigger items later. Agreement to a project management methodology for the Society.

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10 January 2012

| January 10, 2012

Iain Philips resigned as a director.

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3 January 2012

| January 3, 2012

Board teleconference, proceedings available in Proceedings and Reports (Members’ site) Ratification of earlier discussion move from portfolios to “link Director” for each committee. Agreement to create Audit Committee.

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December 2011

| December 31, 2011

Board resolves to move ahead to open the National Radio Centre in early 2012. Vacancies announced for: Chair, EMC Committee Chair, Planning Advisory Panel Chair, Technical Forum (Prof. Roger Green acting) VHF Manager

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