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G5RP Trophy nominations sought

| September 2, 2012

The G5RP Trophy is an annual award for the greatest progress in the DX field made by an RSGB member resident in the UK during the previous 12 months

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IARU to back dot-radio domain name proposal

| September 2, 2012

The International Amateur Radio Union says that it will back the European Broadcasting Union proposal that the top level internet domain dot radio be used to help to create a global radio community

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Special Events

| September 2, 2012

Kent Weald Radio Club is operating GB1HA today, Sunday 2 September. The event is part of sponsored activities being held at the Headcorn Aerodrome, Kent, in aid of the air ambulance and other local charities, and to demonstrate amateur radio to any visitors. Operations will be on HF and VHF and is open to visits […]

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Rallies and Events

| September 2, 2012

Telford & District ARS are holding their Amateur Radio Hamfest at Enginuity, Coalbrookdale, Telford, today, Sunday 2 September. Doors open at 10.30am and admission is £3, with accompanied children free. There will be new and second hand radio equipment, antennas and parts as well as a Bring and Buy. Refreshments will be available on site […]

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Propagation News

| September 2, 2012

And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 24th to Thursday the 30th of August, compiled by Neil Clarke on Friday the 31st August. All the visible groups were small and magnetically simple and with it solar activity was at very low levels. On the 30th though, a sunspot group started […]

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Contest News

| September 2, 2012

Today, 2 September, sees the RSGB SSB Field Day finish at 1300UTC. Expect the 3.5 to 28MHz bands to be busy, the exchange being signal report and serial number. The 144MHz Trophy Contest also finished today, 2 September, but at 1400UTC. It is hotly contested in the Open category, but there are four other categories […]

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