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Contest News

| November 11, 2012

The WAE DX RTTY Contest finishes at 2359 tonight, 11 November. It should keep the RTTY parts of the HF bands buzzing. Everybody can work everybody on RTTY. In WAE events reports of a previously conducted contest QSOs can add significantly to your total score, so it’s well worth investigating in advance of the event […]

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Propagation News

| November 11, 2012

And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 2nd to the 8th of November compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on Friday the 9th of November. Solar activity was mostly very low but increased to low on the 5th when a single C class solar flare took place, and moderate on the […]

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Volunteer required: Centenary SES QSL Manager

| November 8, 2012

RSGB – For our Centenary we will be running a Special Event Station, Gx100RSGB, where x is the secondary country identifier [LINK TO OLD SITE]

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RSGB EGM update: important information for Members

| November 5, 2012

RSGB – Please note that if you joined the RSGB after the 27 September 2012 you will not be able to use the online voting system and will have to use the postal voting option instead [LINK TO OLD SITE]

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 4 November 2012

| November 4, 2012

IRTS also opposes draft Power Line Transmission standard Following the news last week that the German National Society, DARC, now oppose a new pan-European draft Power Line Transmission standard, we have heard that the Irish Radio Transmitters Society, like the RSGB, also opposes the Standard. In their magazine they say that “the draft Standard accepts […]

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Contest News

| November 4, 2012

The Marconi CW Contest is the first VHF event of November and it finishes at 1400UTC today, 4 November. There are 6- and 24-hour sections for Open and Single-op Fixed entries. It’s CW only on the 144MHz band, with the exchange being signal report, serial number and locator. The 144MHz UK Activity Contest takes place […]

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