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Special Events

| November 25, 2012

4PF and M0GWW will be celebrating Lancashire Day on 27 November using the callsign GB0LD. They have the callsign from Sunday 25 November to Sunday 2 December inclusive. Wakefield District Radio Society will be operating GB0IDD for the UN International Day of Persons with Disabilities over the weekend of 1 to 3 December from the […]

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DX News

| November 25, 2012

VK6DXI will be active stroke FK from New Caledonia until mid December. He has been heard early on Sunday mornings on 28.485MHz around 0720UTC. QSL only via his home callsign. The Hellenic Amateur Radio Association of Australia now have a landing permit for the ZL9HR DXpedition to Campbell Island, IOTA reference OC-037. The DXpedition will […]

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Contest News

| November 25, 2012

The big event of the month is in progress still today, 25 November. The CQWW DX CW contest finishes as midnight tonight. The exchange is signal report, and CQ Zone, which for the UK is 14. The UK Microwave Group’s Low Band Contest finishes at 1400UTC today, 25 November. Using all modes, the exchange is […]

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Propagation News

| November 25, 2012

And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 16th to the 22nd of November compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on Friday the 23rd of November. At the start of the period 9 sunspot groups were visible but on the 17th a new sunspot group emerged onto the solar disc and grew […]

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Commonwealth Games – Nov 2012

| November 23, 2012

Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games: Radio Spectrum Planning Consultation Ofcom Consultation RSGB Response   Footnote – 144 MHz usage RSGB: 144 MHz Notice – July 2014

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 18 November 2012

| November 18, 2012

Longest-serving GB2RS Newsreader becomes silent key The Radio Society of Great Britain is saddened to report that its longest serving GB2RS Newsreader, Jimmy Porter, GI3GGY, died on Wednesday 7 November. He was 92 years of age and had spent the two previous weeks in hospital. Jimmy was an active member of the RSGB’s news broadcasting […]

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