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All-of-us's Latest Posts


| January 13, 2013

And now the solar factual data for the period from the 4th to the 10 of January, compiled by Neil Clarke, G0CAS on the 11th of January.  During the period numerous sunspot regions appeared and on the 6th, fourteen regions were visible. Most were small and quiet, even some of the larger regions remained quiet. […]

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 16 December 2012

| December 17, 2012

GB2RS News during the holiday season This is the last GB2RS broadcast of 2012. There will be no news readings on 23 or 30 December. But we will be back in the New Year, bringing you the all the latest amateur radio news. Transmissions re-start on Sunday 6 January. We would like to take this […]

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Rallies and Events

| December 17, 2012

There are no more rallies taking place this year. The first rally of 2013 is the Red Rose Winter Rally on 13 January in the George H Carnell Leisure Centre.

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Special Events

| December 17, 2012

Ian, M0IAA will be operating GB1WH until 18 December. The station is on the air to raise awareness and funds for Wakefield hospital. Ian is hoping to work as many stations as possible. More details are on Now for a special event station with a sense of humour. According to one of the three […]

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DX News

| December 17, 2012

DD0VR and DE3BWR will be active from Vietnam until 4 January as XV0VR. During their stay they also plan to operate from Cat Ba Island, IOTA reference AS-132, from 18 to 20 December and Phu Quoc Island, IOTA reference AS-12, from 30 December until 2 January. QSL these operations via DD0VR. ZS6RI will be active […]

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Contest News

| December 17, 2012

18 December sees the 1.3GHz UK Activity Contest takes place from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes, the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. The Christmas Cumulatives take place between 26 and 29 December on the 6m to 70cm bands. To do well in this you’ll need to be agile and alert, because […]

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