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Propagation News

| January 27, 2013

And now the solar factual data for the period from Friday the 18th to Thursday the 24th of January, compiled by Martin Harrison, G3USF, on Friday the 25th of January. Two large and magnetically complex groups rotated off the visible Sun, leading to markedly quieter conditions. At the start of the period a C5 flare […]

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 20 January 2013

| January 20, 2013

GD100RSGB on the air this week The special event callsign celebrating the RSGB Centenary, GD100RSGB, will be operated today, 20 January, and tomorrow, the 21st, by the Isle of Man ARC. Tuesday 22nd sees the Chester & District ARC take over at Waverton and on the 23rd and 24th the callsign moves to Bolton, with […]

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Rallies and Events

| January 20, 2013

With a weekend of snow forecast and major disruption on both road and rail networks, please check that the rally or event is still taking place before you travel any distance. The Dover Amateur Radio Club Rally will take place today, 20 January, at the Whitfield Village Hall, Dover CT16 3LY. Doors open at 10am […]

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Special Events

| January 20, 2013

The RNLI SOS Radio Week runs until 27 January and more than 40 stations have registered to take part. For full details of those stations, check out the website, Anybody working one of the registered stations can apply for the Worked SOS Radio Week Award. Pontefract & District ARS will be operating GB0SRW until […]

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DX News

| January 20, 2013

Members of the ‘Buddies in the Caribbean’ suitcase mini-DXpedition group are going to Barbados, IOTA reference NA-021, and will be active between 29 January and 6 February. All members will use Buddipole portable antennas at 100 watts or less. Several teams will be battery-only, field portable either from Barbados beaches or from scenic mountain tops […]

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Contest News

| January 20, 2013

The 50MHz UK Activity Contest takes place on 22 January from 2000 to 2230UTC. Using all modes the exchange is signal report, serial number and locator. Also on 22 January, the SHF UK Activity Contest takes place from 2000 to 2230UTC. Again using all modes on the 2.3 to 10GHz bands the exchange is signal […]

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