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Spectrum Forum Meeting – 2011

| November 30, 2011

Minutes and reports from the 2011 RSGB Spectrum Forum  annual meeting  are below. The Spectrum Forum also agreed a  Spectrum Strategy for consultation by members in 2012. Minutes of the Spectrum Forum Meeting held Saturday, 5 November 2011 (8-page/160KB PDF) Spectrum Forum Meeting, 5 November 2011: actions arising from last meeting (1-page/8.7KB PDF) HF Manager’s […]

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DCMS Responses – July 2011

| July 31, 2011

June-2011:  Inputs to DCMS  (UK Gov Dept of Communications, Media and Sport) Enabling UK growth – Releasing public spectrum Making 500 MHz of spectrum available by 2020 Joint Response from the RSGB, UK Microwave Group, Amsat-UK and BATC (5-page/1.33MB PDF)   A Communications Review for the Digital Age (DCMS Open Letter) RSGB Response to DCMS […]

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Parliamentary Adjournment debate on PLT

| May 25, 2011

Letter to Mark Lancaster MP regarding Parliamentary Adjournment debate on PLT (PDF, 173KB)

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RSGB Response to Ofcom Statement of 27 April

| May 25, 2011

RSGB detailed response to Ofcom statement of 27 April 2011 on PLT (PDF, 210KB)

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RSGB response to latest Ofcom statement on power line adaptors

| May 4, 2011

Ofcom forced to release PLT test report The Information Commissioner has forced Ofcom to release a test report that it commissioned on Comtrend PLT devices, as used in BT Vision systems, after an appeal by Peter Walker G0RSQ. Ofcom had previously refused to release the report on grounds provided by exemptions under the Freedom of […]

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RSGB Position Statement on PLT

| February 8, 2011

Powerline telecommunications and the radio spectrum The RSGB response to discussion with Ofcom and BIS For over 10 years, the RSGB has been sounding warnings about the potential impact of PLT technologies on authorised radio services. PLT (Powerline Telecommunications) is a means of sending high speed data along mains electricity power lines. The mains wiring […]

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