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25 February 2012

| February 25, 2012

National Radio Centre opened

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21 February 2012

| February 21, 2012

Terry Stevens, G8DKS, appointed VHF Manager

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18 February 2012

| February 18, 2012

Board meeting with National Council and Committee Chairmen/Honorary Officers

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WRC-12 Days 25 and 26, 16-17 February 2012 – Winding Down

| February 17, 2012

With amateur service issues settled, the national society and IARU team members have either returned or are preparing to return home. The past four weeks have meant long hours spent in meetings, especially the last week where the reading and agreements of final documents continued well into the early hours in order to keep to […]

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17 February 2012

| February 17, 2012

Board meeting

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WRC-12 Day 24, 15 February 2012 – New Agenda Item

| February 15, 2012

To be correct, early morning on the 16th… the final reading of Resolution COM6/12 was approved at 03.20 this morning, 04.20 Geneva time. Nine hours after the evening session of Plenary started, the final addition of one preposition finalised the wording of the 5MHz future agenda item. The Resolution is reproduced here in full. Resolution […]

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