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RSGB Spectrum Forum meeting minutes 2012

| November 26, 2012

RSGB – The Society is pleased to announce that the Spectrum Forum meeting minutes and reports for 2012 are now available on the website.

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Sandy ‘Mary Celeste’ Island undiscovered – again

| November 26, 2012

The Register – Sandy Island’s ”undiscovery” was first reported in the year 2000, by a group of radio hams on what’s known as a Dxpedition

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Latest RSGB Board Meeting minutes now online

| November 26, 2012

RSGB – Proceedings of the Board Meeting of the Radio Society of Great Britain held on held on Saturday 20 October 2012 can now be downloaded from the Members’ Area of the RSGB website [LINK TO OLD SITE]

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Focus on ‘holy grail’

| November 26, 2012

The Southland Times – Ten amateur radio operators have set sail for one of the holy grails of the transmitting world, the Campbell Islands

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GB2RS News for Sunday, 25 November 2012

| November 25, 2012

RSGB EGM result announced At the RSGB EGM held on 17 November, the Special Resolution put to the membership was supported by 96.8 percent of those who voted. The Interim Board will now take the necessary steps to bring the new governance structure into effect. To this end, advertisements for candidates for the next RSGB […]

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Rallies and Events

| November 25, 2012

Today, 25 November, it’s the 34th CATS Radio & Electronics Bazaar, held at 1st Coulsdon Scout HQ, at the rear of the Council Car Park, Lion Green Road, Coulsdon, Surrey. Doors open from 10am to 1pm and admission is £1. There will be a Bring & Buy. Details from Glenn, G4FVL, at Also today, […]

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