GB1SS this is GB2CNS calling from Norwich

Over 250 people gathered at City of Norwich School to take part in the fourth UK schools ARISS contact
Over 250 people gathered at the City of Norwich School to take part in the fourth UK schools ARISS contact with Tim Peake on 26 February 2016
Pupils and teachers from 22 schools all across Norfolk joined representatives from the University of East Anglia, Research Council UK, the UK Space Agency, the Royal Society of Chemistry and many others who were helping to make the day interesting and successful.
Tim Hare, M6HTJ (Ground Tim) established the contact and ten pupils from eight different schools asked Tim Peake (Space Tim) their competition-winning questions during the ISS pass.
The audience was treated to an excellent live video link from the ISS using HamTV and watched Tim Peake wave and float in zero gravity during the contact.
Chris, G0DWV and Andy, M0NKR operated a special event station for pupils to see amateur radio in action and to pass greetings messages to other amateurs, with Kevin, M0UJD and Sonny, 2E0SYW with Leanne, 2E0OCL on hand to answer questions and talk visitors through interactive display boards which NARC use at public events.
Category: ARISS, Principia Mission