News for England North – 16 March 2025

| March 14, 2025

Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting and social evening from 7pm every Wednesday. On Thursday, there will be a net on 144.5625MHz FM from 7pm. David, G4TMZ,

Bishop Auckland Radio Amateur’s Club meets at Stanley Crook Village Hall on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. Anyone wishing to study or take exams should visit the Club’s website for all the relevant details.

Bolton Wireless Club holds regular weekday nets. Tomorrow, the 17 March, the meeting will take place online. More information is available at

All amateurs are welcome to join in with Bury Radio Society’s net on 144.550MHz FM at 6pm on Sundays. On Tuesday, there will be a talk entitled ‘Why FT8 is worth a second look. There is a DMR net on Thursdays at 8pm using the TGIF network and talk group 1938. Again, everyone is welcome to join in.

Every Thursday, Central Lancashire Amateur Radio Club has a net on 433.425MHz FM from 8pm. All amateurs are welcome to join in. Nonie, G3TNN,

On Wednesday, Denby Dale Amateur Radio Society is having a ‘Noggin and Natter’ at the Star Inn, Lockwood, Huddersfield.

On Sundays, Durham and District Amateur Radio Society has a net on 50.575MHz from 7pm. The net moves to 70.350MHz at 7pm on Monday. The Society meets on Wednesdays from 6.30pm. On Saturdays, the net is held on 145.425MHz from 7pm.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, East Ardsley Radio Society holds an on-the-air night and social evening from 6.30pm.

On Sunday evenings, East Cleveland Amateur Radio Club joins the open Teesside Net around 145.425MHz from 8 to 9pm.

Tomorrow, the 17 March, Furness Amateur Radio Society will be meeting at The Farmers Arms, Newton in Furness from 8pm. On Wednesday, members are meeting for breakfast at The Furness Railway from 9.30am. On Thursday, there will be a committee meeting at HPSC from 7pm. Friday sees a DMR net on talk group 23525 from 7pm.

On Sundays, Gilmore and North West Morse Radio Club has a CW net on 144.064MHz from 2pm. Today, the 16 March, there will be a CW net on 28.080MHz from 7.30pm. On Tuesdays, the Club holds the Brass Bashers net on 7.025MHz from 6.30pm. Also on Tuesdays, members have a net on 145.375MHz from 7.30pm. The Club has CW Fun Hour every Friday on 7.025MHz from 7pm. Heth, M6HNS, 0773 503 6267

On Wednesday, Goole Radio and Electronics Society is meeting at The Black Swan Inn, Asselby from 7.30pm for a Planning Session. More information is available at  Ken, G6YYN at

Guisborough and District Amateur Radio Club meets every Monday at The Quoit Club, 35 Northgate, Guisborough, TS14 6JP from 7.30pm. Jon Unwin, M0JUN,

Halifax and District Amateur Radio Society holds regular evening nets from Monday to Thursday starting at 7pm. Full details of these and all club events can be found on the Society’s website. The Society meets on Tuesday evenings from 7pm. Max Townend, G4SDX,

Hambleton Amateur Radio Society meets regularly at The Mencap Centre, DL6 1EG from 7.30pm. More information about the Society is available at

On Tuesdays, Hartlepool Amateur Radio Club has a 70cm net from 7pm. Members meet on Friday evenings at the Hartlepool Scout Centre from 7pm. All are welcome to attend.

On Mondays, Hornsea Amateur Radio Club has nets on 1.869MHz using CW from 8pm, and SSB from 8.30pm. On Wednesday, there will be a talk by M0CZR and G0TPS ‘The Bifilar Winding’. On Friday there is a net on 145.450MHz from 8pm. John, G3XYF,

On Mondays, Houghton-Le-Spring Amateur Radio Club has a CW net on 144.060MHz from 8.30pm. On Tuesday there is a meeting from 6pm at Dubmire Royal British Legion Club in Fencehouses starting at 6pm. Thursday sees the 2m vertically polarised net on 144.260MHz USB from 7pm. On Friday, there is a net on 145.450MHz FM for general chat from 9pm. Saturday sees the North East Net on 145.450MHz FM from 7pm. George, M5GHT, 07709 987 876

The Humber Fortress DX Amateur Radio Club, MX0HFC, has a club and social evening from 7pm every Friday at its headquarters in Patrington Haven, East Yorkshire. For further information visit  or email

The Isle of Man Amateur Radio Society meets each Wednesday evening at the Scout Hall in Ballasalla. Talk-in on Wednesday club nights is from 6.40pm via the GB3IM repeater. Thursday 20 March sees a ‘Natter Night’ at the Creg-ny-Baa Hotel starting at 5pm for those having food and from 7pm for drinks and a chat. Wednesday 26 March will see a talk on ‘Site Selection’ given by Richard, GD8EXI. This will provide guidance in choosing the best site for VHF operation, covering angle of horizon, ground gain, QRM problems and how to fix them. For the latest news and events, check out the Society’s Facebook page, or visit

Tomorrow, the 17 March, Macclesfield and District Radio Society is hosting an RSGB FT8 Club Contest. For more information visit

On Sunday, Maltby and District Amateur Radio Society have a club net on DMR Talk Group from 7pm. On Wednesdays the club meets at Thrybergh Country Park from 9.30am. On Fridays, members have a club night from 6.30pm. For more information visit

On Wednesday, Mid Cheshire Amateur Radio Society will hold their committee meeting. For more information visit Steve, G7DZX,

Oldham Radio Club has a multi-mode net on Sundays via XLX305A from 9.30am. Tomorrow, the 17 March, there will be a D-Star simplex net starting on 144.6125MHz then QSY from 8pm. On Wednesday, the FM net starts on 145.500MHz then QSY at 8pm. This Friday sees a Video evening from 8pm.

On Sundays, Otley Amateur Radio Society has a net on 145.450MHz starting at 7pm. Members will be meeting for a club night at Clifton Village Hall from 7.30pm on Tuesday. On Fridays, there is a net on 144.350MHz SSB starting at 7pm. On Saturday 22 and Sunday 23 March Otley Amateur Radio Society celebrate their 60th Anniversary weekend from 10am til 4pm.

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Pontefract and District Amateur Radio Society meets at The Grange, Carleton Community Centre from 6.30pm. Nigel G0BPK,

South Cheshire Amateur Radio Society meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month. The next meeting will be held on the 26 March. Visit  for more information.

On Tuesday, South Manchester Radio Club has its net on 145.475MHz FM from 8pm. On Thursday, members are meeting for a talk entitled ZAP RC Ukraine.

Spen Valley Amateur Radio Society usually meets on the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Old Bank Club, Mirfield, from 8pm. Malcolm, 2E0IOX,

On Tuesday, Stockport Radio Society has a net on 50.270MHz from 7.30pm. Wednesday sees a club net on 145.375MHz from 2pm. On Thursday, there will be a club net via GB3MR and Webex from 7.30pm.,

Warrington Amateur Radio Club has Solder Sunday every week from 2pm. On Tuesday, members meet from 8pm in their clubroom and via Zoom. On Thursday, there will be a social coffee morning from 10am. Dave, G8KBB,

On Monday, Wearside Electronics and Amateur Radio Society will be meeting from 6pm at Herrington 2nd Scout Headquarters, Crow Lane, Herrington, Sunderland. The Society has a fully dedicated shack with HF, 6m, 2m and 70cm equipment, as well as C4FM and DMR digital modes. Tea and coffee are available as well as disabled access and toilet facilities.

On Tuesday, Wirral Amateur Radio Society is having a natter night from 7pm. Wednesday sees a technical evening from 7pm. On Saturdays and Sundays, the Society is on the air between 10am and 3pm.

Wirral Peninsula Amateur Radio Club meets at Unit 18 Peninsula Business Park, Moreton from 7pm every Wednesday and Friday.

On Wednesday, York Radio Club has a Club net on 145.625MHz via the GB3HG repeater from 8pm. Members meet from 8pm every Thursday.

Category: News for England North East, News for England North West