News for England South-West – 23 March 2025
On Sundays, Appledore and District Amateur Radio Club has a net on 1.860MHz from 9.30am, followed by an SSB net on 144.260MHz at 10.30am. Club meetings take place on the third Monday of the month at Appledore Football Clubhouse from 7.30pm. The Club has weekday nets taking place from 4pm on 145.450MHz, except Wednesday when the net takes place via GB3DN. There are nets on Monday, Wednesday and Friday that also take place via GB3DN from 11am. On Friday, the net is on 145.450MHz FM at 8pm. John, G3JKL,
On Tuesday, Bath and District Amateur Radio Club is holding a net on 70.475MHz from 7.30pm. Dave Welham, G0DPW,
Join Callington and District Amateur Radio Society members for a chat on GB3JL every Monday from 8pm. Guests and visitors to southeast Cornwall are always welcome on the net and at the Engine House Café every Wednesday from 1.30pm. See the Society’s website for more details., Peter, G8BCG, 07801 413 241
Callington Radio and Electronics Rally will take place today, Sunday 23 March. The rally will be held in the Town Hall, New Road, Callington, Cornwall, PL17 7BD. The doors will be open from 10am. Entry is £2 each but there will be no charge for those under the age of 16. A comprehensive selection of traders, clubs and societies will be present along with a bring-and-buy stall and the usual catering service. The venue has excellent disabled access, toilets, and there is ample car parking nearby. More details, including a list of items currently registered for sale at the huge bring-and-buy stand, are available at
On Tuesday, Blackmoore Vale Amateur Radio Society has a meeting at The New Remembrance Hall, Charlton, Shaftesbury SP7 0PL. Also, on Tuesday there is a club net 2m USB on 144.330 from 7.30pm. On Wednesday, the Society has nets on 28.360MHz USB from 8pm and 70.425MHz FM from 9pm. Contact Keith, M0TMO
On Monday, Christchurch Amateur Radio Society has a net on 144.725MHz from 7pm. On Thursday, there will be a Natter Night from 7.30pm.
Exeter Amateur Radio Society meets on the first and third Tuesdays in the month at America Hall in the Sunnylands room, De La Rue Way, Pinhoe, Exeter, EX4 8PX. Meetings are held at 7pm and new members are always welcome. More details are available at
On Sundays and Wednesdays, Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society has club nights from 7pm. The Society holds a Morse Academy every Thursday night from 7pm. Also on Thursdays, there are nets on 70.400MHz from 7pm, and on 145.375MHz from 8pm. Sue,
Gordano Amateur Radio Group meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 8pm, at The Ship, 310 Down Road, Portishead, North Somerset, BS20 8JT. Malcolm, G4KPM,
Guernsey Amateur Radio Society has a net on Tuesday from 8pm on 145.525MHz. On Thursday, the DMR net is from 8pm on GB7GY, talk group 23515, time slot 1. All amateurs are welcome to join in. On Friday, the club meets at the Bunker, Beau Sejour Leisure Centre from 7.30pm. Everyone is welcome. Phil, GU0SUP, 07781 151 747
On Wednesday, Holsworthy Amateur Radio Club has a net via the GB3DN repeater from 7.30pm. For more information visit
On Tuesdays, Isle of Avalon Amateur Radio Club has a net on 433.475MHz from 8pm. The net moves to 145.475MHz on Wednesdays from 8pm. A 10m net on 28.405MHz is held on Thursdays from 8pm. The Club meets on Fridays at Ivor’s Paddock from 6pm. Matt, 2E0FNT, 0730 554 9614
The Jersey Amateur Radio Society clubroom is now open on Friday evenings from 8pm. An old footpath has been reinstated to gain access from the Meteorological Radar Tower to Mast B. Please be very careful as the ground is uneven. You will need a torch if it is dark. Mike, GJ0PDJ on 07797 718 390
Mendip Repeater Group is pleased to announce that GB3WR, located on the Mendip Hills, will be returning to on-air status by the end of March 2025. For more information visit
The Mid Cornwall Beacon and Repeater Group, MCBARG are looking for any amateur radio operators who either have climbing experience or would be willing to be trained to climb our mast, for repairs and general maintenance to supplement our rather small climbing group. They are currently purchasing a completely new climbing and safety kit specifically for use on the Mid Cornwall Beacon and Repeater Group mast. If you are interested in helping, please contact Gerry, G7VFV at
Mid Somerset Amateur Radio Club hold their club meeting at the Baptist Church Rooms, Shepton Mallet from 7.30pm on the second Tuesday of the month. Contact Chris, G6HIQ
Newquay and District Amateur Radio Society meets at Trevisker Saint Eval Community Centre, 750 Orion Drive, Wadebridge at 7pm on the second Wednesday of each month.
North Bristol Amateur Radio Club meets every Friday at Page Community Association, Page Road, Staple Hill, Bristol, BS16 4NE. Meetings start at 7pm and talks start at 8pm. The Club welcomes all members and non-members., Dave, G7BYN on 07533 933 831
On Sundays, Poole Radio Society has a net around 28.375MHz using SSB from 10am. On Mondays there is a net on 145.375MHz at 8pm. The net moves to 70.375MHz at 7pm on Tuesdays.
The Radio Operators Cornwall South West Operators Net is held at 7.30pm via GB3NC on the first Thursday of each month. Everyone is welcome to join in.
On Sundays, Riviera Amateur Radio Club has nets on 29.150MHz FM from 11am, 51.490MHz from 11.30am and via GB7TQ from 8pm. On Wednesdays, there are nets on 70.475MHz from 7.20pm, and on 145.245MHz from 8pm.
On Tuesday, Saltash and District Amateur Radio Club is meeting at the Burraton Centre from 7pm. On Wednesday, the Club has a net via the GB3PL repeater from 7.30pm. Mark Chanter, M0WMB, 07810 548 445
Shirehampton Amateur Radio Club has a net every Sunday on 145.425MHz from 11am. Fridays see the weekly club night, and this week is ‘Bring a gadget night’.
South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is running an online Foundation licence course soon. For more information visit
On Wednesday, Taunton and District Amateur Radio Club has nets on 145.400MHz from 7.30pm, and via the GB3VS repeater from 8pm.
Thornbury and South Gloucestershire Amateur Radio Club meets every Wednesday from 7.30pm at The Chantry, Thornbury. The Club has daily nets via the GB3ZB repeater at 10.30am. The Friday net is on 145.450MHz from 8pm. For more details see the Club’s website and Facebook pages, or phone the Secretary, Terry, on 07889 208 090.
On Sundays, Torbay Amateur Radio Society has nets on 14.270MHz at 9.30am and 145.575MHz at 12pm. On Monday, there are nets on 3.663MHz at 10.30am, 1.982MHz at 8pm and 50.155MHz at 8.30pm. Tuesday sees members meeting at 7.30pm, followed by a net on 3.663MHz from 9.15pm. On Wednesday, the Society has nets on 14.270MHz from 9.30am and on 3.663MHz from 10.30am. On Friday, there is an ‘Annual Awards Presentation’. Saturday sees a net on 3.663MHz from 10am.
Weston-super-Mare Radio Society meets at 7.30pm every Monday at Weston-super-Mare Social Club, Devonshire Road, Weston-super-Mare. Thursday sees a net via the GB3WB repeater from 8pm. For more information visit
Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is meeting this Thursday for a talk entitled ‘HF aerial design’ with G3MYM. For more information email Darren, 2E0EVU via