England South-West News – 23 February 2014
As you will know, all radio amateurs are required to revalidate their licence at least every five years. The process to do this requires every licence holder to contact Ofcom to confirm or update the details on the licence database. This process has been underway for some time and to date some 52 percent of licences have been successfully revalidated.
The quickest way to revalidate is to do so online via the Ofcom website, or by email to amateur.validations@ofcom.org.uk. This can be done at any time. If you need assistance in the process, Ofcom staff are available to help, but their limited availability means that the workload needs to be staggered to avoid undue delays. There will thus be a phased approach during the coming months during which time regional campaigns will be held to encourage all licensees who have not yet revalidated to do so. Now is the time for all amateurs who live in the South East, East Anglia or South West to revalidate their licences if they have not already done so.
Please remember that although amateur radio licences are now classed as lifetime, revalidation is compulsory and any licences that remain unvalidated will eventually be considered as lapsed. After this time, licences will need to be renewed and a fee of £20 will be charged.
Exeter Amateur Radio Society has its Tuesday 2m net on 145.575MHz at 7.45pm. Thursday sees a military radios night at the Moose Centre with Skip, 2E0TGT from 7pm. The HF net on is next Sunday on 3.675MHz from 7.45pm. Contact Nick, M0NRJ, on 01363 775 756.
On Monday 24 February Bristol RSGB Group is having a talk on the 5MHz band by Ian Greenshields, G4FSU. Details from Robin Thompson, G3TKF, by email to robin@g3tkf.co.uk.
On Thursday 27 February South Bristol Amateur Radio Club is holding an open house and on the air night. Details from Andrew Jenner, G7KNA, on 07838 695 471.
On Thursday 27 February Swindon and District Amateur Radio Club is having an activity night. Contact Kevin, G6FOP, via www.sdarc.net.
On Thursday 27 February Yeovil Amateur Radio Club is on the air. Details from Rodney Edwards, M0RGE, on 01935 825 791.
On Friday 28 February Poole Radio Society is having an activity night. More info from Bill Coombes, G4ERV, by email to secretary@g4prs.org.uk.
On Friday 28 February Torbay Amateur Radio Society is holding its AGM. Contact Dave, G6FSP, via g6fsp@tars.org.uk.
On Sunday 2 March Flight Refuelling Amateur Radio Society is holding a committee meeting. Details from John, G4POF, by email to g4pof@hotmail.com.