RSSNews for Scotland West and Western Isles

News for Scotland – 1 March 2015

| February 27, 2015

We start with advance notice that Glasgow and Clyde RAYNET Group will be at the Cardwell Garden Centre in Gourock demonstrating amateur radio on Easter Sunday, 5 April, from 10am to 4pm. Activity will be on HF using the group call sign GM0RAY. Contact Group Controller Paul Lucas, on 07768 271 736. Stirling District Amateur […]

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News for Scotland – 22 February 2015

| February 20, 2015

Stirling District Amateur Radio Society is open today and next Sunday from 10.30am till late afternoon for construction, training, projects and operating. Contact John McGowan, by email to West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is open on Wednesday and Friday for construction and licence preparation. Details by email to On Wednesday Glenrothes & […]

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News for Scotland – 15 February 2015

| February 13, 2015

Stirling District Amateur Radio Society is open today and next Sunday from 10.30am till late afternoon for construction, training, projects and operating. Contact John McGowan, by email to West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is open on Wednesday and Friday for construction and licence preparation. Details by email to Cockenzie and Port Seton […]

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News for Scotland – 8 February 2015

| February 6, 2015

Stirling District Amateur Radio Society is open today and next Sunday from 10.30am till late afternoon for construction, training, projects and operating. Contact John McGowan, by email to Cockenzie and Port Seton Amateur Radio Club is holding an on-air activity day on Wednesday. Morse training continues on Thursday from 7pm at Port Seton Community […]

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News for Scotland – 1 February 2015

| January 30, 2015

Stirling District Amateur Radio Society is open today and next Sunday from 10.30am till late afternoon for construction, training, projects and operating. Contact John McGowan, by email to West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is open on Wednesday for construction and licence preparation. Friday sees a club night with talks and a quiz. Details […]

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News for Scotland – 25 January 2015

| January 23, 2015

Kilmarnock and Loudoun Amateur Radio Club has its Sunday Club today from 9am to 1pm. The AGM is on Tuesday at 7pm. Thursday sees a construction evening. Contact Graham, MM3GDC, by email to Stirling District Amateur Radio Society is open today and next Sunday from 10.30am till late afternoon for construction, training, projects and […]

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