RSSNews for Scotland West and Western Isles

News for Scotland – 17 May 2020

| May 15, 2020

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has daily nets on 7.035MHz ± QRM at 10.15am, QSY to 7.065MHz for SSB; on 145.450MHz at 10.30am; in CW on 144.295MHz at 7.30pm, moving to FM or SSB later. Sundays also see a CW net on 144.295MHz from 7pm and 145.450MHz FM at 7.30pm. Contact Derek, MM0OVD, on 0744 793 […]

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News for Scotland – 10 May 2020

| May 7, 2020

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has daily nets on 7.035MHz ± QRM at 10.15am, QSY to 7.065MHz for SSB; 145.450MHz at 10.30am; CW on 144.295MHz at 7.30pm, QSY to FM or SSB later. Sundays also see a CW net on 144.295MHz from 7pm and 145.450MHz FM at 7.30pm. Contact Derek, MM0OVD, on 0744 793 1941. Dundee […]

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News for Scotland – 3 May 2020

| May 1, 2020

Ayr Amateur Radio Group has daily nets on 7.035MHz ± QRM at 10.15am, QSY to 7.065MHz for SSB; 145.450MHz at 10.30am; CW on 144.295MHz at 7.30pm, QSY to FM or SSB later. Sundays also see a CW net on 144.295MHz from 7pm and 145.450MHz FM at 7.30pm. Contact Derek, MM0OVD, on 0744 793 1941. Dundee […]

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News for Scotland – 26 April 2020

| April 24, 2020

We start with news of an unusual on-the-air tribute. Dave Cossar, GM3WIL became a Silent Key on 4 April following an unexpected heart attack. The present lockdown rules prevent most people from attending memorial gatherings so, to coincide with Dave’s cremation, 30 local amateurs went on the air to pay their last respects and say […]

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News for Scotland – 19 April 2020

| April 17, 2020

Glenrothes and District Radio Club has open nets on Monday to Saturday at 10am on 3.790MHz. Tuesday and Thursday see Morse classes from 7.20pm on 145.425MHz. Contact Tam on 0775 352 6498. On Monday Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has its net. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192. Lothians Radio Society will be […]

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News for Scotland – 12 April 2020

| April 9, 2020

Dundee Amateur Radio Club has a net on GB3AG from 7pm this Sunday and next Sunday. Contact Martin, 2M0KAU, on 0776 370 8933. On Monday Edinburgh and District Amateur Radio Club has its net. Contact Norman, GM1CNH, on 0774 094 6192. West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has a net on Wednesday from 8pm on […]

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