RSSNews for Scotland West and Western Isles

News for Scotland – 20 September 2020

| September 18, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required. Viking Amateur Radio Net runs daily from 5 to 6am on 3.770MHz—details on the group’s Facebook […]

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News for Scotland – 13 September 2020

| September 11, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Government regulations are changing rapidly and it is not necessarily the same across the whole of the UK. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings […]

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News for Scotland – 6 September 2020

| September 4, 2020

We start with a vacancy for a 2m newsreader in the Perth area. Work commitments mean regular newsreader Paul, GM6MEN, will be unable to continue for the time being—until at least May 2021. One, or preferably two, volunteers are needed to take over. Volunteers must have a 2m FM station with good coverage of Perth […]

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News for Scotland – 30 August 2020

| August 28, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing and wearing face coverings where required. The Viking Amateur Radio Net runs daily from 0500 to 0600UTC on 3.770MHz. See the group’s […]

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News for Scotland – 23 August 2020

| August 21, 2020

During the COVID-19 pandemic, and as circumstances are changing daily, a list of known club nets and activities has been compiled by RSGB Region 1 Regional Representative Tony Miles, MM0TMZ, in co-operation with Jack Hood and the West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society (WoSARS), which can be found at With the gradual easing of […]

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News for Scotland – 16 August 2020

| August 14, 2020

We strongly advise you to check with organisers before travelling, as events mentioned here may be affected by fluctuating pandemic precautions. Above all, please observe all national or local restrictions, including social distancing. Dundee Amateur Radio Club has an open net on Sundays and Wednesdays via GB3AG from 7.30pm. Restrictions permitting, next Saturday and Sunday, […]

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