RSSNews for Scotland West and Western Isles

News for Scotland – 26 December 2021

| December 22, 2021

In this constantly changing pandemic situation, details of club activities can be found on the individual club’s website. A summary of activities in Scotland compiled by RSGB Regional Representative Tony, MM0TMZ can be found at West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society has its Solder Group on Wednesdays and its main meeting on Fridays at […]

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News for Scotland – 19 December 2021

| December 17, 2021

Due to the Christmas holidays, the GB2RS News script for the Christmas period will be prepared early, on Wednesday the 22nd of December. So please send in any news or changes to by 10am on Tuesday the 21st. In this constantly changing pandemic situation, details of club activities can be found on the individual […]

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News for Scotland – 12 December 2021

| December 10, 2021

Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which then usually moves to Zoom at around 8pm. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from 7pm, a Zoom meeting follows at 8pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon. Oli, MM0YOS, Ayr Amateur Radio Group […]

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News for Scotland – 05 December 2021

| December 3, 2021

The RSGB would like to welcome Jim Campbell, MM7BIW to the role of Regional Representative for Region 2. Jim has been co-opted until the 2022 AGM. Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which then usually moves to Zoom at around 8pm. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from […]

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News for Scotland – 28 November 2021

| November 26, 2021

The 6m beacon GB3RMK has been relocated and is now back on the air from IO77RM, which is near Inverness. It is configured as per the IARU Synchronised Beacon Project, operating on 50.002MHz and 50.460MHz and running 20W top a dipole oriented north-south. Keeper Chris, GM3WOJ will appreciate spots via beaconspot or via DX Summit. […]

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News for Scotland – 21 November 2021

| November 19, 2021

Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Society has a net on Sundays from 7.30pm on GB3DG, which then usually moves to Zoom at around 8pm. Thursday sees a net on GB3DG from 7pm, a Zoom meeting follows at 8pm. There is also an open RAYNET net daily on GB3DG from noon. Fuerther details are located on the website. […]

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