RSSNews for Scotland West and Western Isles

News for Scotland – 23 February 2023

| February 24, 2023

Wigtownshire Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce that it is now meeting monthly on Saturdays. The next meeting will be at the AIRD Centre on Saturday 18 March from 11am to 3pm. Together with Dumfries and Galloway RAYNET group, there is an open net on GB3DG every day at noon. All are welcome. Every […]

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News for Scotland – 19 February 2023

| February 17, 2023

Listeners will be aware of the sad news that Gavin Nesbitt, MM1BXF became a silent key just before Christmas. Gavin had an extensive workshop from which he repaired amateur radio equipment from around the UK. The West of Scotland Amateur Radio Society is endeavouring to reunite the equipment that Gavin was working on with its […]

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News for Scotland – 12 February 2023

| February 10, 2023

On Wednesday, from 8 to 9pm, George, MM0JNL, will be hosting a Technical and Support Net on 145.325MHz, V26. The net is open to anyone, within range, who has any radio-related issues and needs assistance or guidance. This is a peer-support net, the aim of which is to provide support to fellow amateurs. Advance notification […]

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News for Scotland – 5 February 2023

| February 3, 2023

The funeral of Gavin Nesbitt, MM1BXF Silent Key, will take place on Monday 6 February at 10.30am at Clydebank Crematorium, Mountblow Road, Clydebank, G81 4SL. Gavin passed away tragically and very suddenly on Monday 19 December. We send our condolences and thoughts to his wife Bex, and to all his family at this very sad time. […]

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News for Scotland – 29 January 2023

| January 27, 2023

May we remind listeners that the funeral of Gavin, MM1BXF Silent Key, shall take on Monday 6 February at 10.30am at Clydebank Crematorium, Mountblow Road, Clydebank, G81 4SL. Gavin passed away tragically and very suddenly on Monday 19 December. Gavin was known to many in the RSGB and was one of the West of Scotland Amateur […]

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News for Scotland – 22 January 2023

| January 20, 2023

The Online Radio Club has a virtual radio club night at 7.30pm every Thursday via Zoom. It is suitable for all radio enthusiasts regardless of individual skill level. Go to the website for the meeting link. Ham Radio Network has a talk on the theme of An Evening with… on Monday. See the website for […]

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