Archive for 2025
Exam availability over Easter
The RSGB remote invigilation team will be taking a break over the Easter weekend. You will be able to book to take an exam on Friday 18 April or Saturday 19 April, but no exam slots will be available on Sunday 20 April or Monday 21 April. Exam bookings will resume as normal after that.
RadCom information, dates & deadlines
Information, dates and deadlines General guidance on sending news and features Photographs for RadCom and the RSGB website Information for readers Information for authors RadCom copy deadlines Delivery dates RadCom review policy RadCom Members’ Ads RSGB Commercial Advertising Supplementary material and errata Silent Keys If you have any questions or queries about RadCom that […]
Our books
Full range of RSGB books for sale Books Extra (supplementary material) If you have any questions or queries about our books, email
About the RSGB The excitement of amateur radio Practical skills videos Technical videos RSGB Convention lectures RSGB Strategy Syllabus resources Young amateurs Film archive If you have any questions or queries about our videos, email
7 April 2025 – 40m on a glue stick by Nick Wood, M0NTV
The presentation April’s Tonight@8 features Nick Wood, M0NTV with his presentation ‘40m on a glue stick: a homebrew, all-analogue, all-discrete Direct Conversion Receiver’. Nick will show you how to use a regular glue stick housing in a rather novel way to form the basis of a variable tuning inductor in a homemade 40m receiver. After […]
RSGB Technical Forum
The RSGB Technical Forum is accepting expressions of interest from people who would like to join the group. The Forum is a body of technical experts that review articles submitted to the RSGB RadCom Editors. It provides a recommendation on whether they should be accepted for publication, and whether they are best suited to RadCom, […]