Archive for June, 2024

Rallies and Events News – 9 June 2024

| June 7, 2024

The Junction 28 Radio Rally is taking place today, the 9 June, at Alfreton Sports Centre, DE55 7BD, one mile from M1 Junction 28. The doors are open from 10.15am and admission is £4. For more information visit the website or contact The Mendips Rally is also taking place today, the 9 June. The […]

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Special Events News – 9 June 2024

| June 7, 2024

Celebrating the 100th anniversary of Radio Belgrade, members of the Belgrade Amateur Radio Club are active as YT100RB and YU1924RB until the 30 November. For details of a certificate that is available, see the website 9A100RKZ is the special callsign celebrating the 100th anniversary since Radioklub Zagreb was founded on the 24 March 1924. The […]

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DX News – 9 June 2024

| June 7, 2024

Dave, WJ2O is active as VP6DF from Pitcairn Island, OC-044, until tomorrow, the 10 June. He is running low power and operating CW on the 40 to 10m bands. He may also operate on the 160 and 80m bands, depending on working conditions.  QSL via N2ZN and Logbook of the World. John, W5JON is active […]

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Contest News – 9 June 2024

| June 7, 2024

The IARU ATV Contest started at 1200UTC on Saturday the 8 June and ends at 1800UTC today, Sunday 9 June. Using TV on 432MHz and up frequencies, the exchange is serial number, four-digit code and locator. More details on rules for this contest are available on the website Today, the 9 June, the Practical Wireless […]

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Propagation News – 9 June 2024

| June 7, 2024

It seems that we haven’t had a repeat performance of the auroral conditions caused by active sunspot region 3697. For aurora watchers, that could be a disappointment, but for HF lovers it means the bands have been quite settled. The Kp index has been at 3 and below, while the solar flux index has been […]

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News for England Midlands – 9 June 2024

| June 7, 2024

Meetings of Bolsover Amateur Radio Society take place every other Tuesday starting at 8pm at the Bainbridge Hall, Bolsover, S44 6PX. Further information and reminders for meetings can be found on the Society’s Facebook page @bolsoverars  Contact Vin G4KSY on 01246 827135 for further information. Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club meets every Friday from […]

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