Archive for December, 2023
UK Meteor Beacon project update
The UK Meteor Beacon project is now in its second phase, and both phases have been supported by the RSGB Legacy Fund. At the RSGB 2023 Convention, Brian Coleman, G4NNS outlined the plan for the second phase. A network of receivers will be developed, streaming their data via a central server for detailed study of […]
RSGB Board – Nov meeting key messages
Following its meeting in November, the RSGB Board has shared these key messages from that meeting: Board supported a proposal from the Operating Awards Manager for awards to be again made available to SWLs. Some would be existing awards and others new awards and they would be supported by eQSL confirmation or by conventional means […]
WRC-23: Final Week Begins

The fourth and final week of WRC-23 (Dec 11-15) is crucial for agreeing late items and the future agenda. Prior to this, weekend sessions tackled thorny issues. However it took till gone 2am on Tuesday to agree what what might have been a real concern for a dozen amateur bands. By the end of Wednesday […]
Ofcom amateur radio consultation statement
Ofcom has just released a document that sets out its “decision to update the amateur radio licensing framework to ensure the policies and licences meet the needs of today and tomorrow’s radio amateurs, while streamlining the licensing process“. Alongside the statement, it has published a Summary of the Changes (PDF, 166.4 KB); this gives a […]
WRC-23: Week-3 Update – 23cm and WPT

The end of the third week of the WRC-23 World Radiocommunication Conference saw plenary approval of a new footnote to the 23cm amateur band at 1240 to 1300MHz – a major landmark after four years of hard work. Meanwhile 40-50MHz radar sounders and future agenda items are consuming considerable time and effort – all week […]
WRC-23 – 23cm recommendation approved

The third week of the WRC-23 World Radiocommunication Conference has seen the approval of a new footnote to the 23cm amateur band at 1240 to 1300MHz under Agenda Item 9.1-b. This draws attention to the recently released ITU-R Recommendation 2164 that provides guidance to avoid interference to radio navigation satellite services, or RNSS, such as […]