Archive for November, 2023
RadCom Basics, September 2023, Edition 36

Programming your handheld using CHIRP A very useful guide by James, M0JCQ providing step-by-step first-time instructions on how to install CHIRP, setting up repeaters and advice on choosing aspects such as programming cables In this edition… 4 Using a PC in your shack Lee, G4EJB explains how he installed a PC in his external shack, […]
Day-2: WRC-23 Scales up – including 40-50MHz

WRC23 Day-2 saw the conference structure launch working groups and subgroups, as individual agenda items got underway and documents introduced. Amateur related topics being followed were wideband 40-50MHz satellite-borne radar sounders (AI-1.12), new 240GHz space sensors for climate monitoring (AI-1.14) – and a raft of future agenda proposals for WRC-2027/2031 (AI-10). Whilst just introducing documents […]
Day-1: WRC-23 Begins & 23cm Progress

Monday November 20 saw a hugely well attended opening ceremony, speeches and initial plenaries as WRC-23 got underway. Around 3500+ delegates were present; and on the sidelines some 23cm news emerged from IARU. The afternoon saw the initial top level committee structure confirmed, with the finer detail at individual agenda items to come on […]
WRC-23 Day-0: Nearly Ready

Final preparations are nearly complete for the opening of the 2023 World Radio Conference (WRC-23) at the large Dubai World Trade Centre venue. This is the second recent WRC which has been held away from the ITU home in Geneva, following WRC-19 in Egypt. Following a long overnight Saturday flight from the UK and hotel […]
The World Radio Conference (WRC-23)
The World Radio Conference (WRC-23) opens on Monday, 20 November 2023. Over the coming four weeks a wide variety of agenda items will be considered, of which the 23cm band is a high priority item for amateur radio. IARU volunteers have worked hard over the past four years in preparation, and the RSGB will be […]
VHF Contest Committee survey
Following a really productive contest forum at the RSGB Convention, and a number of suggestions generated by the committee or raised in discussions with contesters, the VHF Contest Committee would like feedback to help finalise the VHF contest rules for next year. The survey doesn’t have many questions so it shouldn’t take more than a […]