Archive for September, 2023

Special Events News – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

Special callsign VI7ALARA is active on the HF bands until 8 November to mark the Australian Ladies Amateur Radio Association’s (ALARA) meeting in Hobart this year. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS. For more information visit OQ95RCL is the special callsign in use throughout 2023 by Radio Club Leuven, ON4CP to celebrate its 95th anniversary. […]

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DX News – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

This Sunday, the 3rd, is the last chance to work Matt, AF2F while he is active as K4H from Hatteras Island, NA-067. He is using CW and FT8. QSL via Club Log’s OQRS. Christo, LZ3FN and Thomas, SV2CLJ are QRV from Skyros Island, EU-060, in Greece, as SV8/LZ3FN and SV8/SV2CLJ. They are operating on the […]

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Contest News – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

IARU Region 1 Field Day and RSGB SSB Field Day both started at 1300UTC on Saturday, 2 September and end at 1300UTC on Sunday, 3 September. Using SSB on the 80 to 10m bands, where contests are permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. The 144MHz Trophy Contest started at 1400UTC on Saturday, […]

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Propagation News – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

We had another week of relatively settled solar conditions. The Kp Index never really got above three and the Solar Flux Index flattened to be below 140. Solar flares were nominal with only minor C-class events occurring and with no Earth-directed coronal mass ejections. The solar wind speed remains low as does its density. The […]

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News for England Midlands – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

Bolsover Amateur Radio Society meetings take place on the first and third Wednesdays of the month starting at 8pm at the Bainbridge Hall, Bolsover S44 6PX. The next meeting will be held this Wednesday, the 6th of September. Vin, G4KSY, 01246 827135 Bromsgrove and District Amateur Radio Club meets every Friday from 8pm. Members also have […]

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News for England North – 3 September 2023

| September 1, 2023

Barnsley and District Amateur Radio Club has a meeting and social evening from 7pm on Monday. David, G4TMZ, Bishop Auckland Radio Amateurs Club will be meeting at the Village Hall, Stanley Crook on Thursday evening from 7.30pm onwards. If anyone is wishing to study and take their exams, please visit the club’s website: […]

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