Archive for May, 2023
RadCom Basics, March 2023, Edition 33

Introduction to Andy’s Ham Radio Linux Tony Molloy, M6CIH finds another great source of amateur radio applications and provides step-by-step guidance and plenty of links In this edition… 4 Overseas operating with your licence Using his personal experience, James Stevens, M0JCQ provides a guide on how to use your license to operate in other countries—sometimes […]
Tonight @ 8 – Node-RED for radio amateurs
On Monday, 5 June 2023, Mike Richards, G4WNC will be giving the live presentation Node-RED for Radio Amateurs. Node-RED is a visual programming language that is very powerful but surprisingly easy to use. The language has matured over recent years and has the potential to be a valuable tool for radio amateurs. In this talk, […]
RSGB Beaconnect loop experiments
Three weekends have been identified for some RSGB Beaconnect loop experiments: On 3-4 June 2023 there will be some regional loops and nets On the 10-11 June 2023 there will be an England-only loop and net, based round the activators who have registered for Beaconnect callsigns so far, but the Society would welcome new activators […]
RSGB School Zone stories
The RSGB’s School Zone webpage brings together radio amateurs in schools and colleges. We want to help people to share their experience of, and expertise in, establishing and running a radio club for young people. We’ve just launched a new page as part of this section called School Zone stories where we’re highlighting some of […]
Also in this week’s GB2RS…
Have you seen the RSGB Live News webpage? It brings together the Society’s social media feeds, latest YouTube videos and front-page news in one place. Launched a few years ago, people found it very useful, so the RSGB is highlighting it again now for those who have become radio amateurs or returned to amateur radio […]
GB2RS News Script for 28 May 2023
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 28 May 2023 (26-page/504KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link