Archive for March, 2023
March RadCom Basics
The March 2023 edition of RadCom Basics is now available on the RSGB website for Members to read. It is for new licensees or anyone who wants an introduction to a different aspect of amateur radio. This edition features articles which cover: QRP operating An introduction to Andy’s Ham Radio Linux software Basic fault finding […]
RadCom Basics, January 2023, Edition 32

What the RSGB Convention does for the hobby James Stevens, M0JCQ gives an insight into the RSGB Convention and how it benefits us all. Maybe it’ll encourage you to attend this year. In this edition… 4 Introduction to HamPi Yet again Tony Molloy, M6CIH describes a great source of amateur radio applications for the Raspberry […]
RSGB Elections
If you are an RSGB Member, don’t forget to vote for the two candidates that you would like to see as Board Directors for the next two years. You can find out more about each of them on the RSGB website at There is a link at the top and the bottom of the […]
GB2RS News Script for 26 March 2023
Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 26 March 2023 (22-page/495KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link
RSGB membership and communications
As we continue to expand the use of our new membership and management systems, we will make greater use of electronic communications to advise members of important changes to their fees, benefits and offers, as well as to send notifications for important publications and events. Please remember to keep your preferences and personal information up […]
NoV available for optional Coronation RSL
As part of our Coronation celebration activities, Ofcom approved R as the optional Coronation regional secondary locator prefix for all radio amateurs to use during May and June 2023. You will need to apply for a Notice of Variation—or NoV—and the form is now available on our website.