Archive for November, 2022

GB2RS News Script for 13 November 2022

| November 11, 2022

Tap or click the link below to download this week’s GB2RS news script GB2RS News Script for 13 November 2022 (20-page/465KB Microsoft Word document) Problems downloading the GB2RS news script? Try this alternative link

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Rallies and Events News – 13 November 2022

| November 11, 2022

The Rochdale and District Amateur Radio Winter Rally will take place on Saturday 19 November. The venue will be Saint Vincent De Paul’s Hall, Norden, Rochdale OL12 7QR. Doors open at 10am with entry for £3. The usual traders and caterers will be there and plenty of free parking is available. For more information, contact […]

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Special Events News – 13 November 2022

| November 11, 2022

Leyland and District Amateur Radio Club will be active as GB9LD for Lancashire Day on Sunday 27 November 2022. Activity will take place on the 40m to 70cm bands. At 1500UTC the club will read the Lancashire Day Proclamation on HF and toast His Majesty King Charles III, Duke of Lancaster. All are welcome to […]

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DX News – 13 November 2022

| November 11, 2022

Stan, LZ1GC and Ivan, LZ1PM will be active as A35GC from Tongatapu, OC-049, Tonga until 20 November. They will operate CW, SSB, RTTY and FT8 on the 160 to 6m bands. QSL via Club Log, Logbook of the World or via the Bureau. Janusz, SP9FIH and Lech, SP9FUY will be active as FJ/SP9FIH and FJ/SP9FUY, […]

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Contest News – 13 November 2022

| November 11, 2022

The Worked All Europe DX RTTY Contest ends its 24-hour run at 2359UTC today, 13 November . Using the 80 to 10m bands, where contesting is permitted, the exchange is signal report and serial number. Today, 13 November, the UK Microwave Group Low Band Contest runs from 1000 to 1400UTC. Using all modes on the […]

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Propagation News – 13 November 2022

| November 11, 2022

Last week was a mixed bag in terms of space weather. Yes, the solar flux index increased to 138 by Thursday 10 November, but at the same time we had a fast solar wind and a solar flare from active region AR 3141 to contend with. The Kp index hit five on Monday 7 November […]

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